Harbingers Of Heart Attack And Stroke

Harbingers Of Heart Attack And Stroke
Harbingers Of Heart Attack And Stroke

Harbingers of heart attack and stroke

Harbingers of heart attack and stroke
Harbingers of heart attack and stroke

Diseases such as heart attack and stroke are based on the same vascular lesion, most often of a sclerotic nature. Despite the difference in the clinical picture, similar disorders lead to heart attack and stroke, namely metabolic disorders caused by an improper lifestyle. Therefore, if you start from afar, then the harbingers of heart attack and stroke are exposure to stress, unhealthy diet, both in terms of diet and diet, leading to the appearance of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels, a sedentary lifestyle.

As the problem worsens, the symptoms of ill health increase. Attacks of angina pectoris, or, as it is also called, angina pectoris, indicate that the ischemia of the heart increases. If the intervals between attacks become shorter, the attacks themselves are longer and at the same time more and more difficult to stop, this is direct evidence that any strong stimulus, physical exertion or psycho-emotional overstrain can lead to a heart attack. The following symptoms are the immediate precursors of myocardial infarction: shortness of breath, growing pain and tightness behind the breastbone, a feeling of discomfort in the chest area. The pre-infarction state is also characterized by nausea, dizziness, pallor of the skin, sticky cold sweat, confusion (fainting).

I must say that these symptoms are not specific, they can precede both a heart attack and a stroke, the only difference is that a stroke is more characteristic not of a heart, but of a headache. In addition to the listed signs, the following may indicate an impending stroke: numbness of one half of the body, of all or any part (half of the face, lips, arm, leg), temporary loss of vision or the appearance of flies before the eyes, dizziness, coordination disorder, disorientation, impairment speech, confusion. A sharp, unreasonable headache, especially in people with hypertension, can also indicate a pre-stroke condition.

If you notice such symptoms in a person, indicating that a heart attack or stroke may develop, measures must be taken immediately. The most correct thing would be to provide the person with complete peace, the supply of fresh air (unfasten clothes, open the window) and call an ambulance, staying with him until the doctor arrives. Of the medicines, you can only give what the attending physician prescribed, if the patient already had a history of the disease. You do not need to give painkillers before the ambulance arrives, as this can lubricate the manifestations of the disease, thereby complicating the diagnosis. Adequate treatment, taken at the stage of precursors of heart attack and stroke, will stop their further development.

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