How To Get Rid Of Urolithiasis

How To Get Rid Of Urolithiasis
How To Get Rid Of Urolithiasis

How to get rid of urolithiasis

Among the widespread urological pathologies, urolithiasis (Urolithiasis) stands out. It accounts for about 30-40% of all such diseases. With urolithiasis, certain parts of the urinary system suffer, more often the kidneys and bladder. They form stones that can migrate, causing inflammation of the urinary tract and blockage of the ureter. It is with the movement of the formed crystals that renal colic appears.

Urolithiasis is a widespread urological pathology
Urolithiasis is a widespread urological pathology

Why does urolithiasis develop?

Urolithiasis is common among people 25-50 years old, and men face it 3 times more often. Women develop more severe forms in which stones can occupy the entire kidney cavity. The exact causes of ICD have not yet been established. Doctors only name the predisposing factors that, as a rule, lie on the surface:

  • excess in the diet of protein, sour and spicy foods;
  • drinking water, which is high in calcium salts;
  • deficiency of vitamins A and B;
  • taking sulfonamides;
  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • infections of other organs (osteomyelitis or even tonsillitis).

The real causes of urolithiasis

Few people mention the true causes of diseases, including the ICD. They all start at the base of the structures of the human body - cells. In their cytoplasm, a normal metabolism constantly occurs. Nutrient components, water and oxygen enter the cell from the intercellular space, and spent and oxidized substances are removed back through the membrane.

The reasons for the development of urolithiasis
The reasons for the development of urolithiasis

The body has the inherent ability to restore normal metabolism. It is he who protects against various diseases. Due to a decrease in natural vibrations, cells weaken. As a result, the process of elimination of toxins is disrupted. They remain inside the cells, causing them to become slagged. Against this background, various diseases can arise. Under the influence of the above risk factors, urolithiasis develops.

Traditional treatments

Most patients with urolithiasis are prescribed a special diet that excludes foods with stone-forming substances. But the reason does not always lie in the human diet, so the effectiveness of the diet remains in question.

The same applies to other treatments. Conservative treatment only helps remove stones, but they can form again. It turns out that the therapy prescribed by the doctor only temporarily keeps the disease in remission. After stopping the drug, most of the symptoms return.

Traditional methods of treatment of urolithiasis
Traditional methods of treatment of urolithiasis

In addition to dubious effectiveness, conservative therapy is distinguished by many side effects. They are found in every drug that is included in the treatment regimen. No one can say if a particular person will have side effects or if the treatment will go without problems. In addition, to reduce the size of stones, drugs have to be taken for a long time, and this is a lot of money.

What the next generation medicine offers

Modern methods of treatment are more effective because they eliminate the cause of urolithiasis. In comparison with traditional ones, they have several undeniable advantages:

  • the ability to start treatment at any stage;
  • absolute safety;
  • spending money once only for the purchase of the device;
  • no contraindications, including age-related;
  • the possibility of use without a doctor's prescription;
  • prevention of the formation of new stones;
  • the ability to carry out treatment at home.

Devices for home treatment "Fizomed"

Devices for home treatment of urolithiasis "Fizomed" are just new methods that are available, effective and painless. With regular use of the belt, it is possible to destroy calculi and safely remove them from the kidney, bladder or other organ of the urinary system.

Physomed - devices for home treatment of urolithiasis
Physomed - devices for home treatment of urolithiasis

The main advantage is the performance. It can be traced back to the reviews of patients who have already spent a lot of money, patience and time on treatment.

The effectiveness of the Fizomed belt is also confirmed by qualified doctors who analyzed the results of treatment. So, V. Pavlov, urologist of the highest category with 25 years of work experience, writes:

“Analyzing the results of treatment of patients with the Fizomed belt before and after extracorporeal lithotripsy, we can confidently assert that in this category of patients there is a more complete and less painful excretion of microfragments of stones, the time for the passage of calculi is significantly shortened. It is necessary to wear the Fizomed belt until it is completely free from sand and salts, which is confirmed by a control ultrasound examination of the kidneys."

Additionally, the device helps to restore the function of the affected organ, which is more important than simply relieving symptoms. Its cells begin to work more actively, their individual natural vibration is restored, which provides them with cleansing of toxins and toxins. As a result, the organ becomes healthy again, and without any side effects, as is the case with drug treatment. The very cause of the disease is eliminated - a decrease in cellular vibrations.

From this we can conclude that home treatment of the kidneys with Fizomed devices affects not only the symptoms, but also the consequences and cause of the disease. Innovative products are not just not inferior, but significantly superior to drugs in terms of effectiveness.

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