Who is at risk of getting prostatitis as a salary bonus?
The term "occupational disease" encompasses ailments that a person is likely to get at work. And if everything is clear with hazardous industries and service in extreme conditions, then the hidden dangers of very “comfortable” professions often come as a surprise. What professions threaten men with prostatitis as a dubious reward for their work?
Medical men suffer from sleep disturbances due to night shifts, irregular eating habits and bad habits. Combined with overwork and high stress levels, these factors lead to serious health problems, including prostatitis. It is paradoxical that people who know the causes and symptoms of diseases often do not pay attention to the "alarm bells", attributing them to fatigue; do not turn to colleagues for advice due to lack of time. Prostatitis becomes chronic, causing considerable discomfort.
Office workers
All "mouse and monitor workers" can be united in this group. All of them spend most of their time in a chair, and many, especially freelancers, do not even get out of their computer desk. It is known that a sedentary lifestyle leads to impaired circulation and stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs, including the prostate gland. And this is one of the main causes of prostatitis.

Drivers, taxi drivers and truckers suffer not only from problems caused by prolonged sitting position, but also from overwork due to long shifts, the consequences of poor nutrition and bad habits, which makes them related to health workers. Drivers have a high probability of earning not only prostatitis, but also varicose veins, osteochondrosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hemorrhoids.
It would seem, who could be healthier? An active lifestyle, no bad habits, healthy food. But professional athletes are also at risk. Many sports are associated with increased trauma, cyclists and motorcyclists often directly injure the pelvic organs. Water polo players, swimmers, surfers have a high probability of hypothermia and the harmful effects of damp clothing. Unfortunately, these factors often lead to the development of the main male ailment.
All of the above does not mean that each of the representatives of the mentioned professions will necessarily get sick with prostatitis. It's just that these men need to be a little more attentive to their health than the rest. Like any other disease, prostatitis is much easier to prevent than to cure. Prevention of male ailment is a set of measures, but measures are simple and understandable, not requiring special efforts, but only consciousness and the desire to be healthy. In fact, these are the postulates of a healthy lifestyle: an optimal level of physical activity, an adjusted sleep and wakefulness regime, a balanced diet, minimizing bad habits, and a regular intimate life.
At the first symptoms of prostatitis, you should immediately consult a doctor, urologist or andrologist. No self-medication - only a doctor can prescribe competent therapy after tests and tests. For more than 25 years, the peptide drug Prostatilen has been successfully used in medical practice, which was developed by specialists from the Research Institute at the V. I. CM. Kirov in St. Petersburg. The medicine is produced in the form of rectal suppositories, this form is most effective for combating prostatitis, since the active substance is delivered directly to the diseased organ. Prostatilen relieves swelling and restores the function of the “second heart of a man”. The tool successfully copes with both treatment and prevention of prostatitis.
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