Play As A Means Of Raising Children

Play As A Means Of Raising Children
Play As A Means Of Raising Children

Play as a means of raising children

It's no secret that children learn more easily information presented in a playful way. So, recently, it is in the form of play that teachers teach children mathematics, literacy, and foreign languages. But play is important not only for schoolchildren. The role of play in the upbringing of preschool children is also great. After all, it is through play that the child manifests various aspects of character, satisfies his intellectual and emotional needs, and forms his personality.

Play as a method of education: what does it teach?

  • Play as a parenting tool builds character
    Play as a parenting tool builds character

    Basics of etiquette. It is rather difficult for a child to explain how to behave correctly at the table, because it is much more interesting for him to ride a bicycle. But if you conduct classes in a playful way, then everything will immediately become much more interesting. For example, you can put dolls at the table with your daughter and teach them to eat correctly. In this case, let the daughter say to the dolls: "Bon appetit", "Eat gently", etc.;

  • Character. For the formation of character, it is useful to conduct any games with the child in a competitive manner. Play as a means of raising children teaches him to shape character, develops self-esteem and confidence. It is natural for a child to want to win. In addition, the role of play in raising children is that children learn to empathize, develop the emotional-volitional sphere, and stimulate activity. In the process of playing, as a method of education, situations are created that require an immediate decision, which teach the child to make decisions and be responsible for their actions;
  • Socialization. Play as a means of raising children teaches them to interact with each other, to take into account the needs and interests of others. For example, role-playing games help to increase vocabulary, develop organizational and creative skills. Play as a method of education teaches children to develop leadership qualities, to reveal their individuality and abilities. And for shy children, play is almost the only opportunity to prove themselves;
  • Intellectual and moral education of children. Play is excellent for the process of teaching and developing moral qualities. So, it is much easier to teach a child to memorize using associations (nine is a circle with a tail, and the letter p is two sticks and a bridge, etc.).

With the right approach, the role of play in raising a child is enormous - it teaches the child to love knowledge, strive for learning and upbringing, shows the correct models of attitudes and behavior. In addition, while learning something through play, the child does not even suspect that he is learning.

Moral Education Games for Children

In the upbringing of children, it is necessary to be guided by the popular wisdom: "it is easier to educate a child than to re-educate", and also: "the earlier you start upbringing, the better the result will be." Therefore, you should always worry about what, with whom, and how your child is doing. In order to direct the baby to commit positive actions and positive thoughts, it is necessary to assign a special role to moral education games for children. They can be mobile or calm - it doesn't matter.

Play as a means of raising children: examples of moral games

  • Game "The Magic Word". It has a very positive effect, lies in the fact that every action and deed must be accompanied by the pronunciation of pleasant words and polite phrases;
  • "One purchase shop". This game as a method of education is useful in that the child finds himself in a situation of choice, in which he can choose only one of the many different desires. It is useful to use this game as a means of raising children so that children know how to navigate the possibilities of the family budget, in the surplus and usefulness of some things, and also learn to make an informed choice for which they can subsequently be responsible;
  • "Good bad". The role of play in the upbringing of a child is that the essence of good and bad is revealed to him, a system of ideas about what is bad and good is formed, the cause-and-effect relationship of various actions and deeds is revealed.

These games as a means of educating children form their idea of politeness, the priority of needs and desires, the possibility of their satisfaction, teaches children to develop and enrich the language.

Moral education through folk games

Folk outdoor games are very entertaining for children, and also extremely useful. These games, as a method of education, teach them to control their bodies and movements, obey and accept the rules of the game, develop their imagination. The emotional involvement of an adult is especially important in folk games. Try not only to demonstrate the necessary words and actions, but as much as possible to express interest in a particular game.

Examples of moral education through folk games:

  • Play as a parenting tool develops a child's confidence and self-esteem
    Play as a parenting tool develops a child's confidence and self-esteem

    "Catch a bunny." Show your child the sun bunny with the help of a mirror: how he jumps, runs away, rests and unexpectedly runs away again and hides in another place. Then invite the baby to catch up with the bunny, repeating at the same time: “here the bunny woke up, look, he is dancing and hid under the table, but you did not catch him. Oh, look, I climbed on a chair, come on, catch it soon, "etc.;

  • "Geese-geese-ha-ha-ha". Place the baby at some distance from you. You are the owner of geese and live with them in the same house. Address the child with the words: “Geese-geese-ha-ha-ha. Do you want to eat? Yes Yes Yes. Well, fly. No no no. A gray wolf under the mountain, sharpening its teeth. He wants to eat us, don't let us go home. Well, fly as you like, just take care of your wings. " First, say the entire text yourself, and when the baby learns the text, have him speak on behalf of the geese. In this case, you can stage a wolf chasing geese;
  • "The sun and the rain". Show your child a table or chair, and explain that this is a house where you can hide from the rain. Look at the sky and say, “Look, the sun is out. Let's go for a walk". Together with you, the baby goes to the middle of the room and enjoys the sunny weather. Look up again and say: "Look, it seems to be raining, let's quickly hide in the house." Hide under your makeshift house.

Games as a means of raising children is good to end with a game of silence. This will switch the child's attention and calm him down.

Remember that parents are the most active participants in games with children, therefore, the more active the communication of the father and mother with the child, the faster it will develop.

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