Causes and symptoms of a nervous breakdown

A nervous breakdown, unfortunately, is a condition too many of us are familiar with. The reasons for this condition are obvious from the name - the nerves "broke", a certain limit was crossed, when the nervous system adapted to unfavorable conditions. Thus, the symptoms of a nervous breakdown appear after excessive psycho-emotional stress. It can be any event that caused a shock of great force, or it can be insignificant stress, but acting for a long time.
You need to know the symptoms of a nervous breakdown in order to take action in time, as this is a rather serious disorder.
The main symptoms of a nervous breakdown are sleep disturbances, appetite disturbances, a depressed emotional state, manifested in irritability, weakening of social contacts, the appearance of aggressiveness, and sometimes tearfulness. The person feels cornered and depressed. Relatives, trying to help, as a rule, are faced with rudeness and aggression in their address, help is not accepted. Also, signs of overwork are characteristic of a nervous breakdown: a lack of vitality, apathy, a loss of interest in the environment.
But a nervous breakdown is manifested not only by a change in the psycho-emotional state. The symptoms of a nervous breakdown affect the physical condition as well. Disorders from the autonomic nervous system manifest themselves: excessive sweating or vice versa, dry mouth, panic attacks, etc. After the nervous system, the cardiovascular system and the digestive tract are next under attack. On the part of the cardiovascular system, the most common changes are hypertension, heart palpitations (tachycardia), heart pain (angina pectoris). Such symptoms of a nervous breakdown require compulsory medical intervention, as they can result in a stroke or heart attack.

On the part of the digestive system, a nervous breakdown is manifested by a decrease or complete disappearance of appetite, bouts of nausea, upset stools in the form of diarrhea or constipation. This condition requires correction, but correction not by medication of the digestive system organs, but by eliminating the nervous breakdown itself, since digestive changes are secondary, and if adequate treatment of breakdown is undertaken, then the work of the gastrointestinal tract will improve.
What if you find yourself or a loved one symptoms of a nervous breakdown? First of all, you need to identify and eliminate its cause and try to improve life, and if this cannot be done, then by all means seek help from a psychologist, psychotherapist or neurologist.
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