Treatment Of Adenoids In Children

Treatment Of Adenoids In Children
Treatment Of Adenoids In Children

Treatment of adenoids in children

The problem of treating adenoids in children
The problem of treating adenoids in children

Treatment of adenoids in children is one of the most common problems in modern otorhinolaryngology. Adenoids are overgrown lymphoid tissue of the nasopharyngeal tonsil, and in itself their presence is already a pathology. In young children, due to the anatomical structure of the nasopharynx, adenoids are very common. The problem of treating adenoids in children is most acute at the age of three to six years.

Previously, the treatment of adenoids in children was mainly reduced to their removal by surgery. This is justified, since the overgrown loose tissue of the adenoids is a fertile ground for the reproduction of microbes, due to chronic inflammation, ceasing to perform its main function - not to let them into the body. The operation is necessary in some cases to prevent the development of a more serious pathology.

Nowadays, adenoidectomy (surgery to remove adenoids) is performed in children in a gentle way, under general anesthesia, in contrast to the previously accepted standard of adenectomy under local anesthesia. This is much less traumatic for the child and his parents, and also allows the doctor to perform better manipulations, carefully removing the growths.

It is quite difficult to treat adenoids in a conservative way, given the age of children susceptible to this ailment, because not a single child agrees to sit quietly while the doctor does not very pleasant procedures in his nose. Nevertheless, at present, doctors have begun to abandon the mass treatment of adenoids in children by removing them, which allows preserving the nasopharyngeal tonsil, since it is an important part of the body's immune system.

Conservative treatment of adenoids in children is a whole range of measures taken depending on whether the process is acute or chronic, what is the degree of enlargement of the adenoids, what is the general condition of the child, and so on. First of all, it is drug therapy, in difficult situations even antibiotic therapy, then washing the nasopharynx with antiseptic solutions, followed by the use of drying drugs.

Treatment of adenoids in children according to Strelnikova
Treatment of adenoids in children according to Strelnikova

Good results in the treatment of adenoids in children are given by physiotherapy - ultraviolet irradiation, magnetotherapy, electrophoresis, etc. It is effective to use balneotherapy, such as staying in salt caves or their artificial imitation, and in the summer the child's stay in the sea climate.

Respiratory gymnastics according to Strelnikova is highly effective in the treatment of adenoids in children. There are cases when even adenoids of the third, largest, degree, took place in a month of daily breathing exercises according to this system.

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