Useful Properties Of Sage

Useful Properties Of Sage
Useful Properties Of Sage

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Useful properties of sage

Useful properties of sage
Useful properties of sage

Sage is one of those medicinal herbs that, being discreet and therefore not too attractive, are a real storehouse of useful substances. However, you should know that this applies mainly to one plant - medicinal sage, since sage in nature is represented by many species (there are about nine hundred), which are not at all equally medicinal. Medicinal, or pharmacy sage is a discreet plant, with grayish-green velvety leaves and delicate lilac flowers, collected in spikelets. The healing properties of this sage species are so universal that the ancient Egyptians called it a sacred herb.

These gray leaves have pronounced anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial qualities, which makes it possible to use decoctions and infusions of sage for gargling, rinsing the nose and eyes, as well as washing any wounds, including purulent ones. The hemostatic property of sage is known, for this purpose it is better to use fresh leaves rather than dried ones. Sage tea has the ability to have an immunostimulating effect, therefore it is often used in folk medicine as a general tonic for persistent, chronic diseases, as well as during the recovery period after illness.

Pharmaceutical sage has the ability to relieve skin irritation and soothe itching, and therefore sage baths are used in the treatment of not only various dermatitis, including those of allergic origin, but also such a complex disease as psoriasis. In dermatological practice, sage baths are also successfully used for the treatment of hyperhidrosis of the feet, palms and armpits - simply put, excessive sweating.

Another property of sage makes it possible to actively use it in gastroenterology: pharmacy sage increases gastric secretion, and therefore is used as a folk remedy for the treatment of diseases of the digestive system with low acidity. Since sage has a mild effect, unlike potent chemicals, it can be used even when there is a slight lethargy of the digestive system, as a means of increasing appetite and stimulating digestion. We can say that in a sense, sage is a natural "Mezim".

The healing properties of sage
The healing properties of sage

In ancient times, sage was used in the treatment of infertility and other hormonal disorders of the female reproductive system. This turned out to be justified, since the hormone-like substances contained in the wonderful plant really give sage the ability to normalize the balance of female sex hormones. Therefore, sage is often included in medications prescribed for women during menopause to alleviate the manifestations of menopause.

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