Exercises For A Hernia Of The Cervical Spine At Home

Exercises For A Hernia Of The Cervical Spine At Home
Exercises For A Hernia Of The Cervical Spine At Home

Exercises for a hernia of the cervical spine

The content of the article:

  1. Therapeutic exercises for hernia of the cervical spine
  2. Execution rules
  3. Contraindications to performing remedial gymnastics
  4. General recommendations
  5. Other treatments
  6. General information about the disease

    1. The reasons
    2. Symptoms
  7. Video

With a hernia of the cervical spine, exercises from the cycle of physiotherapy exercises (exercise therapy) play an important role in complex treatment. Such charging is especially effective at the initial stages of the development of the pathological process. Special training can significantly improve the patient's condition, and in some cases, avoid surgery.

Regular and correct exercises can significantly alleviate the condition with a hernia of the cervical spine
Regular and correct exercises can significantly alleviate the condition with a hernia of the cervical spine

Regular and correct exercises can significantly alleviate the condition with a hernia of the cervical spine

Gymnastics is able to eliminate the accompanying symptoms (headache, etc.), spasms. With partial limitation of mobility, exercises can fully or partially restore movement in the hands. Exercise therapy for a hernia of the cervical spine improves blood circulation, strengthens the muscles of the neck.

Therapeutic exercises for hernia of the cervical spine

The following exercises are usually effective:

  1. The patient takes the starting position standing or sitting, arms are lowered along the body. After that, you should smoothly turn your head alternately to the right and left shoulder 5-10 times.
  2. The person remains in the same starting position, lowers his head down, while pressing his chin to his chest, and returns to the starting position. These actions are repeated 5-10 times.
  3. Being in the same starting position, the patient needs to slowly tilt his head back and return to the original position. The exercise is repeated 5 to 10 times.
  4. The patient takes the initial sitting position straight, tilts his head to one shoulder, trying to touch it with his ear, remains in this position for 5-6 seconds, after which he repeats the same actions, bending over to the other shoulder. The exercise is performed 2-3 times in each direction.
  5. The patient takes the starting position on all fours, while inhaling, bends the back upward, while exhaling, bends down. These steps must be repeated several times in one workout.
  6. Being in the same starting position, the person lowers his head, pressing his chin to his chest, remains in this position for about 30 seconds and returns to the starting position.
  7. While in a standing or sitting position, they turn their heads alternately to the left and right, lingering for a few seconds at the end points, which can be done not only during physiotherapy exercises, but also throughout the day.
  8. Push-ups with emphasis on the palms and toes of straight legs or knees. It is necessary to ensure that the back is straight, and the body touches the floor during push-ups. You can do 10 sets of 5 push-ups or 5 sets of 10 push-ups, depending on your health condition and doctor's recommendations.

In some cases, it is useful to hang on a horizontal bar and slowly pull yourself up.

These exercises can be used to treat and prevent degenerative-dystrophic processes in the cervical spine. In the absence of illness, the intensity of training may be higher.

Execution rules

  1. Physical education should be done daily.
  2. One lesson should be carried out on average for 15-20 minutes. At first, 5 minutes a day is set aside for training, gradually increasing its duration to 30-45 minutes a day.
  3. It is best to do exercises in the morning, but you can plan your workout for other times of the day, but in the evening, special relaxing techniques are used.
  4. Classes should not be conducted after meals and several hours before going to bed.
  5. During the exercise, abrupt movements should be avoided, there should not be too much tension in the neck area.
  6. During gymnastics
  7. pain should not appear; if it occurs, it is better to stop training.
  8. Charging is recommended in a well-ventilated area.

Contraindications to performing remedial gymnastics

Physiotherapy exercises show good effectiveness in this pathology, however, exercises can be performed only during the period of remission. During exacerbations of the disease, you can not do gymnastics and other types of physical activity.

Other contraindications for performing exercises from a complex of physiotherapy exercises at home:

  • severe pain syndrome;
  • disorders of the heart;
  • bleeding;
  • symptoms of acute cerebrovascular accident;
  • acute thrombosis;
  • malignant neoplasms.

General recommendations

In order for therapeutic exercises to have the maximum effect, in addition to their regular implementation, patients must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Normalize body weight, maintain it within healthy limits.
  2. Normalize work and rest regime.
  3. Ensure proper rest, night sleep should be at least 8 hours a day.
  4. Do not sleep on large, soft pillows; a small cushion that fits under the neck is best for sleeping.
  5. Avoid physical inactivity.
  6. Take a contrast shower.

Other treatments

If the patient has severe pain, he may be prescribed analgesic drugs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. As part of drug therapy, steroid hormones, chondroprotectors can be used.

During the period of remission, physiotherapy, massage, acupuncture, hirudotherapy are often prescribed. Patients are advised to reduce the load on the spine; for this purpose, wearing a special corset may be indicated.

In the absence of the effect of the ongoing conservative therapy, as well as with a large hernia, the issue of surgical treatment is considered.

General information about the disease

A hernia of the cervical spine is a displacement of fragments of the intervertebral (intervertebral) disc into the spinal canal, resulting in compression of the nerve roots.

With a hernia of the cervical spine, the nerve roots are compressed due to disc displacement
With a hernia of the cervical spine, the nerve roots are compressed due to disc displacement

With a hernia of the cervical spine, the nerve roots are compressed due to displacement of the disc

According to statistics, this pathology with localization in the cervical spine is the second most common, in the first place in terms of frequency is the lesion of the lumbosacral spine.

The reasons

The disease can be caused by one or several reasons:

  • age-related changes in the human body;
  • weakness of the muscle corset;
  • the impact on the body of unfavorable environmental factors;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

Risk factors include:

  • incorrect posture (including due to the peculiarities of work, prolonged work at the computer);
  • untimely and / or improper treatment of spinal injuries (for example, received during diving, sports training, when falling, etc.);
  • endocrine diseases;
  • excess weight.


With a hernia of the cervical spine, the following can be observed:

  • headache;
  • dizziness attacks;
  • pain in the neck, shoulders and shoulder blades, which are aggravated by turning the head, coughing, sneezing;
  • surges in blood pressure, vascular disorders;
  • impaired cognitive abilities;
  • tinnitus, which intensifies when turning the head, hearing problems;
  • weakness and / or numbness of the upper limbs;
  • discomfort in the throat;
  • general weakness and fatigue;
  • depressive state;
  • disorders of taste and smell;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • frequent diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

The table shows the localization of pain sensations depending on which vertebrae is located between the affected disc ("C" - designation of the cervical vertebrae, "Th" - thoracic).

Location of the affected disc Localization of pain
C7-Th1 Painful sensations and numbness of the whole hand on the side of the little finger, difficulties when trying to clench the hand into a fist
C6-C7 Pain along the back of the shoulder and forearm, weakness of the extensors of the fingers and triceps muscle of the shoulder; feeling of numbness and tingling over the entire surface of the limb
C5-C6 Pain in the hand on the side of the thumb, weakness of the extensors of the wrist, biceps brachii
C4-C5 Shoulder pain, deltoid weakness

Lack of treatment and progression of the pathological process can lead to complete paralysis and disability of the patient.


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Anna Aksenova
Anna Aksenova

Anna Aksenova Medical journalist About the author

Education: 2004-2007 "First Kiev Medical College" specialty "Laboratory Diagnostics".

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