Prevention Of Osteochondrosis Of The Spine: Exercises, Memo, Video

Prevention Of Osteochondrosis Of The Spine: Exercises, Memo, Video
Prevention Of Osteochondrosis Of The Spine: Exercises, Memo, Video

Prevention of osteochondrosis

The content of the article:

  1. Features of the disease affecting the focus of preventive measures
  2. Prevention principles
  3. Physical exercise
  4. Massage
  5. Spa treatment
  6. Memo
  7. Video

Prevention of osteochondrosis is an urgent issue for most modern people due to the extremely widespread occurrence of this pathology.

Spinal osteochondrosis is a degenerative-dystrophic chronic disease, which is associated with the gradual destruction of the intervertebral disc and compression of the surrounding structures. Since the disease belongs to polyetiological, that is, it has many causes of occurrence, there is no specific prevention of it, however, there are measures that can reduce the risk of its occurrence, and if the disease has developed, slow down its progression.

General measures for the prevention of osteochondrosis are reduced to maintaining a healthy lifestyle
General measures for the prevention of osteochondrosis are reduced to maintaining a healthy lifestyle

General measures for the prevention of osteochondrosis are reduced to maintaining a healthy lifestyle

Features of the disease affecting the focus of preventive measures

Some common features:

  1. It occurs in any part of the spinal column (cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral).
  2. The characteristic and main symptom of the disease is back pain. At the initial stages, it is nonspecific and not intensive (for this reason, a small percentage of the population seeks help at the initial stage of chondrosis).
  3. At the time of treatment, a person already has pronounced dystrophic changes in the elements of the disc, the cartilaginous surface of the vertebrae. Clinical manifestations of compression of the neurovascular structures are possible.
  4. The risk group includes persons over 40-50 years old, since the development of osteochondrosis in this period has a direct relationship with natural degenerative changes in bone tissue and occurs much more often.

Prevention principles

All measures to prevent the occurrence of the disease are associated with general strengthening recommendations (rules of a healthy lifestyle).

Prevention of osteochondrosis can be carried out at three levels:

  1. A set of measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of the disease. Suitable for people with prerequisites for the development of osteochondrosis, but without obvious signs of the disease itself.
  2. Measures to reduce the duration and smooth out the clinical manifestations of pathology. Suitable for people who have undergone one or more courses of conservative drug treatment after the establishment of osteochondrosis.
  3. Postoperative measures. In this case, the rehabilitation process smoothly turns into preventive recommendations for further life.

Prevention is carried out on an outpatient basis and includes a number of measures:

  • Exercise therapy;
  • massage;
  • Spa treatment.

In addition, for some time with a preventive purpose, wearing a corset or bandage is shown to reduce the load (not included in the general list, since it is prescribed strictly individually and in no more than 20% of cases).

Physical exercise

Exercise therapy is included both in the general treatment regimen for osteochondrosis, and in the prevention of the disease. General guidelines for exercise:

  1. Preliminary consultation with a specialist is shown. In the absence of diagnosed osteochondrosis, it is permissible to perform exercises on your own.
  2. Regular physical activity is required to maintain muscle tone; it is unacceptable to perform exercises in a periodic mode, that is, from case to case.
  3. Exercise should be done without pain or other discomfort. It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the body and, if they occur, reduce the degree of stress.
  4. Adaptation to loads should be slow (do not try to achieve 100% of the result in one session).
  5. Mandatory observance of breathing exercises when performing exercises (while inhaling, performing the necessary action, and returning to the original position on exhalation).
  6. Perform the complex only after a preliminary warm-up.
If there are signs of osteochondrosis, a complex of physical exercises should be selected by a specialist
If there are signs of osteochondrosis, a complex of physical exercises should be selected by a specialist

If there are signs of osteochondrosis, a complex of physical exercises should be selected by a specialist

At the moment, there are many training videos with clear sequential instructions, taking into account the severity of the disease. Some examples of specific exercises for different levels of injury are shown in the table (exercises selected based on a confirmed diagnosis).

Level Technics

When performing exercises aimed at this anatomical region, the greatest care is required, since the department is the most vulnerable.

Exercise options:

1. Perform flexion / extension movements of the head in the amount of at least 5 for each side.

2. Make the maximum tilt of the head to the right / left. Each exercise is performed at least 5 times.

3. Turn the head to the left and to the right with fixation in each position for 10 sec. The number of exercises is 5-7.

4. Make circular movements of the head 7 times in each direction.

5. Lower the chin to the neck as low as possible with a return to its original state about 5 times.

6. In the supine position, bend in the thoracic and cervical spine with the head back. Fixation in this position for 10 sec. The number of executions is 5-8.

7. When pressing with the palm of the hand on the forehead, try to bend the cervical spine, exerting some resistance (straining the muscles of the back at a given level of the spinal column). The number of approaches is 5-7.


Most often performed in a sitting position. Exercise options:

1. In a sitting position, perform maximum flexion and extension of the spine in the thoracic region with fixation in each position for 5-15 seconds. Do it at least 5 times.

2. In the prone position, make the maximum deflection in the thoracic region with fixation in this position for 10 seconds. Number of executions 5-7.

3. In a sitting position, tilt the body forward, followed by a bend back. The number of exercises is 5-8.

4. In a sitting position on the floor with the help of a gymnastic stick, wound up behind the feet, make the maximum extension of the body anteriorly.

An important point is the absence of pain in the thoracic region.

Lumbosacral region

You can perform in any position (lying, standing, sitting):

1. In a standing position, make alternate flexion movements of the lower extremities (bend the leg at the knee joint, then raise it to an angle of 90 degrees, straighten and return to its original position). The number of executions is 5 times.

2. In the supine position, do the exercise "bicycle" 5-7 times for each limb.

3. In the prone position, swing the straightened legs about 5-7 times.

4. In a standing position, make alternate swings of the lower limbs (5-7 times each).

5. In a sitting position, tilt the body to the right / left and forward / backward with fixation in each position for 10 seconds. The number of slopes is 5 in each direction.

6. In a standing position, make circular movements with the pelvis to the right and left sides about 5-7 times.

In each case, it is permissible to change the number of executions.

Specific workplace prevention methods include doing mini-exercises every 2 to 3 hours. Approximate list (it is permissible to add):

  • tilts forward / backward, right / left;
  • lifting the shoulders up / down;
  • circular rotation of the shoulder joints;
  • head rotation to the right / left and forward / backward.

It is performed in a sitting position and does not take more than 10 minutes.

Exercises are allowed to be done using special gymnastic devices (gymnastic sticks, weights).


Massage has been placed in a separate category, since for preventive purposes it has a pronounced strengthening function, and also allows you to maintain muscle tone at the proper level. Execution is possible both at home and on the basis of a medical institution. Technique:

  • classical massage - associated with typical elements in the form of rubbing, kneading, twisting;
  • acupressure - associated with the effect exclusively on the projection of the nerve plexus on the skin;
  • segmental reflex massage - associated with exposure only to a specific area;
  • lymphatic drainage massage - associated with increased lymph flow and restoration of metabolic processes;
  • therapeutic massage - often associated with the use of medicinal oils, creams, gels;
  • self-massage.

There are three different types of massage, depending on the technique of execution: manual, hardware or combined.

It is not allowed to perform massage in the acute phase of the disease and with severe pain syndrome.

Massage is an effective means of both prevention and treatment of osteochondrosis, however, it is permissible only in the absence of acute conditions
Massage is an effective means of both prevention and treatment of osteochondrosis, however, it is permissible only in the absence of acute conditions

Massage is an effective means of both prevention and treatment of osteochondrosis, however, it is permissible only in the absence of acute conditions

Spa treatment

The spa treatment program differs slightly from one institution to another, but it is usually based on different methods of physiotherapy, mud therapy, manual therapy and therapeutic baths. In addition, a balanced diet is shown.

In sanatoriums of a profile type (for persons undergoing treatment for diseases of the musculoskeletal system and musculoskeletal system), general strengthening procedures can be supplemented with a course of classical drug therapy.


Preventive measures for osteochondrosis are non-specific, the memo includes the following general provisions:

  1. Follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle. This includes two main points: proper nutrition [sufficient amount of micro and macro elements; sufficient water regime; the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (1: 1: 4); predominance of plant foods] and moderate physical activity. Compulsory weight control.
  2. Choose the right footwear to maintain the shock-absorbing function of the spinal column. It is not recommended to wear shoes with high heels, as well as shoes without heels or with low soles. The optimal level of the sole is from 4 to 6 cm.
  3. Take breaks during the working day for 5-10 minutes with the implementation of a light gymnastic set of exercises to relax the muscles. To the same point, it is permissible to include the correct choice of chairs and their position relative to the desktop.
  4. When lifting heavy things, unbend the spine using the leg muscles. It is not recommended to carry heavy things in front of you and to lift them with a jerk.
  5. For sleeping, choose mattresses of medium or high firmness, since they provide maximum support for the body in a physiological position without unnecessary deflection. The pillow should be small and not cause large flexion of the cervical spine.
  6. Perform all the necessary exercises during the course of treatment, either under the supervision of a specialist, or independently after consulting a doctor. Do not use additional gymnastic devices and do not change the specified exercises.
  7. Avoid hypothermia and overheating in order to avoid the occurrence of myositis, which will only increase the pain syndrome in osteochondrosis.
  8. Give up bad habits (alcohol, smoking).
  9. In the presence of concomitant diseases, timely diagnose and treat them.

The presented list of recommendations is optimally performed in the stage of remission to maximize its prolongation and prevent relapse. Monitoring is mandatory once a year by the attending physician (neurologist, traumatologist, neurosurgeon, depending on the severity of the process).


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Anna Kozlova
Anna Kozlova

Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author

Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".

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