Abortion at 10 weeks
An abortion is any termination of pregnancy that occurs up to 28 weeks; in 20% of cases, pregnancy ends due to spontaneous abortion - a miscarriage that occurs regardless of the woman's desire.

After 28 weeks, termination of pregnancy is already considered artificial childbirth, and the fetus is already viable and it is possible to save the baby's life with the help of special medical equipment. In any case, an abortion at week 10 or later is not an easy test for any woman.
Induced abortion is the most controversial issue in modern society, someone believes that abortion at any stage of pregnancy is the murder of an unborn child, and someone zealously defends the woman's right to independently decide when to become a mother.
The safest type of abortion is pharmacological or medical, it is carried out by taking special drugs that stimulate spontaneous abortion, can be carried out for a period of 0 to 4 weeks, since a later implementation may not give any results, or the ovum will not come out completely and will be necessary cleaning the uterus.
Vacuum abortion or mini-abortion is performed for a period of 5 to 6 weeks by introducing a vacuum aspirator into the uterine cavity, connected to special equipment. During the procedure, a vacuum is created in the uterus, due to which the ovum is detached from the wall.
Surgical abortion for a period of 10 weeks is performed under general anesthesia, and the course of curettage is monitored by ultrasonic sensors.
After the 12th week of pregnancy, women do not carry out an abortion at will, the reason for it can only be medical (fetal pathologies that threaten the life of the child or mother) or social indications (too late or early pregnancy, the presence of at least 5 children).
In late pregnancy, abortion is carried out through a complex operation that threatens with serious complications. If an abortion at the 10th week of pregnancy is still performed in a more or less safe way for a woman's health, then at a later date it is carried out through the introduction of a saline solution into the fetal bladder, after which the already dead fetus is removed from the uterus.
In any case, abortion is a painful procedure not only on a physical level, but also on a moral plane.
Abortion at 10 weeks of gestation: complications
As with any other operation, due to abortion, various complications can occur that lead to irreversible consequences for the health of the failed mother. The most severe complication after surgical abortion at 10 weeks is perforation of the uterine wall, which leads to internal bleeding, trauma to internal organs and peritonitis. Such consequences of an abortion at 10 weeks of gestation can lead to the removal of the uterus.
Abortion at 10 weeks: the consequences
Carrying out an abortion always leads to hormonal disruption, since, having tuned in to pregnancy, the woman's body produces specific hormones, which, if pregnancy is disrupted at a later date, lead to an inevitable disruption in the hormonal system. Having an abortion at 10 weeks will lead to more global consequences than at 4 weeks, since at an earlier date, hormonal changes in the body will have a less harmful effect on a woman's health.
Provoking a spontaneous abortion at home using alternative medicine methods can have even more serious consequences, since the bleeding that has begun cannot be stopped on its own. Such extreme experiments often lead to the removal of the internal genital organs of the failed mother, and a lethal outcome is not excluded.

Having decided on an abortion procedure at 10 weeks, a woman should know that a highly qualified specialist must have an abortion within an acceptable time frame and in a specialized medical institution. Also, an abortion at week 10 leads to an imbalance in the blood pressure regulation system, the immune system, renal-hepatic function and circulating blood volume. Often, postponing an abortion at week 10 increases a woman's irritability, worsens her sleep and increases fatigue.
The woman's body becomes vulnerable to infectious and inflammatory diseases, and often the inflammation of the uterine appendages accompanying the abortion, ultimately leads to obstruction of the fallopian tubes, which in turn can cause ectopic pregnancy or infertility. Dysfunction of the ovaries, which leads to infertility, is not excluded.
Due to blind scraping of the uterine mucosa, microtrauma, thinning areas, scars and other phenomena often occur, due to which there is a violation of the normal nutrition of the embryo during subsequent pregnancy, which is fraught with miscarriages, fetal malformations or premature birth.
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