Where is the abortion done and is it paid?
Termination of pregnancy can occur for various reasons.

As a rule, it is carried out for up to 12 weeks, when there is the lowest risk not only for health, but also for a woman's life. However, for medical reasons, this period can be extended to 22 weeks. The choice of the clinic where the abortion is performed, as well as its cost, depend on the method of the procedure, social and medical indications.
Where is the abortion done?
If there is a medical indication for terminating the pregnancy, the doctor giving the referral will tell you where the abortion is being done, as well as what additional tests will need to be taken. Abortion is usually paid, but for medical or social reasons, the costs may be covered by the insurance company.
Social indications may vary slightly from country to country. They typically include:
- Pregnancy due to rape;
- Death of her husband;
- Divorce during pregnancy;
- Deprivation of a woman's parental rights.
The presence or absence of social indications does not affect where the abortion is performed. For the procedure of termination of pregnancy, you can go to hospitals and clinics with a gynecological or maternity ward. When carrying out the procedure in modern conditions, one should not be afraid that an abortion is painful, since anesthesia is used during it.
Early abortions can also be performed at licensed medical centers. A hospital stay is not required for a medical abortion. After the studies, the gynecologist prescribes the necessary medications, and also makes sure that the abortion goes without complications.
Medical indications for abortion are diseases and conditions that can lead to the death of a woman. Usually it depends on them whether the abortion will be paid or the costs of its implementation will be covered by medical insurance.
Also, the medical indications include diagnosed fetal malformations, which, according to the doctor's opinion, are incompatible with life. The presence of such indications does not affect where the abortion is performed, however, if the procedure is carried out at a later date, the doctor usually prescribes a referral to the gynecological department of the district hospital, equipped with the necessary equipment.
The list of medical indications is quite extensive, but most often interruption is carried out for the following medical indications:
- Contact of a pregnant woman with a patient with rubella for up to 12 weeks;
- Active tuberculosis;
- The presence of a severe form of diabetes mellitus, occurring with kidney damage;
- The presence of malignant tumors, for the treatment of which an x-ray of the mother's pelvic organs is performed;
- The presence of acute leukemia and some severe blood diseases;
- Some diseases of the endocrine system occurring in the active phase;
- All types of drug addiction;
- Mental illness in severe forms;
- The presence of epilepsy with resistance to treatment and frequent seizures;
- Various neuroinfections, including meningitis, encephalitis, and acute cerebral hemorrhage;
- Excessive vomiting that does not respond to treatment;
- Bleeding peptic ulcer;
- Severe heart defects;
- Glomerulonephritis;
- Liver cirrhosis and late stage hepatitis;
- Systemic and rheumatic diseases in acute form.
Abortion technique
Many young women fear abortion will hurt. However, in modern conditions, any type of abortion is painless, so you should only be afraid of possible complications.
Medical abortion is paid. With all the apparent simplicity of this procedure, it is not recommended to carry it out on your own at home. Complications after medical abortion are common. In addition, the doctor will be able to correctly calculate the required dosage of the medication and prescribe therapy for the fastest restoration of the woman's reproductive function.

Vacuum aspiration is another common abortion method. Its technique consists in sucking the embryo and placenta from the uterine cavity. Today, this method has practically replaced the more dangerous classical curettage, which can cause great harm to the uterine lining.
Usually, it is the surgical type of termination of pregnancy that causes the greatest fears in women that an abortion is painful. However, this is not the case, since the procedure uses general or local anesthesia.
When conducting local anesthesia, the medication is injected directly into the cervix, which causes it to expand with simultaneous anesthesia. Sometimes sedatives are given half an hour before the local anesthesia. The use of general anesthesia prolongs the time spent in the hospital, it depends on the individual response to the injected medication.
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