Social rehabilitation of disabled people

The extent to which a society is developed can be determined by learning how it treats those of its members who are limited in their capabilities. Social rehabilitation of disabled people sets as its task the fullest possible integration of a person with disabilities into normal life, so that a person is socially in demand, adapted and protected. The fact that our society is not too comfortable for such people will not be a big secret. And although it cannot be said that nothing is being done in this direction, it is still clearly not enough.
Social rehabilitation of disabled people is important for society no less than for disabled people themselves. This is a guarantee that a person will not be left alone with his problems, and in part this is exactly what the very structure of the state is for - to protect each of the members of society and make everyone's existence most comfortable. Since 2011, Russia has launched the Accessible Environment program for people with disabilities, which is a big step towards the needs of this part of the population. It is known that, in many respects, restrictions on the social activities of disabled people are associated with physical freedoms, in particular, restrictions on movement.
The program includes tools that will make it easier for people with disabilities to everyday life. For example, a small addition to the design of buses, namely the presence of a special loading device for people moving in wheelchairs, or convenient ramps before entering stores, cinemas or other public places. These things seem like little things only at first glance. In fact, it is precisely such additions, imperceptible to the eyes of an ignorant outside observer, that lock people with disabilities who have difficulty in moving in a small space of one apartment.
The development of Internet technologies is becoming a real breakthrough in the social rehabilitation of disabled people all over the world. Mastering professions associated with such technologies allows people with physical disabilities to work remotely and provide themselves financially, and this is the most important moment in the social adaptation of any person. And, of course, the

Internet provides tremendous opportunities for diversified communication even for those people who, due to their illness, are bedridden, and whose social circle was previously forced to be limited to the closest relatives and friends and medical personnel.
Thus, at present, the level of progress quite allows a person with disabilities, if not to eliminate social disorientation and isolation completely, then at least significantly improve the quality of life, and the state is obliged to help him in this.
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