Complications After Childbirth

Complications After Childbirth
Complications After Childbirth

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Complications after childbirth

What complications can there be after childbirth?
What complications can there be after childbirth?

Childbirth is a serious test for a woman, and, having endured it, many former women in labor do not think about any complications after childbirth. At the forefront of a young mother is taking care of a newborn - however, you should not forget about your female health. Untreated diseases tend to "emerge" over time in an even more neglected form - therefore, remembering about such a phenomenon as complications after childbirth and knowing them "by sight" is simply necessary.

So, the first possible complication is suture inflammation. Today, there are frequent cases of caesarean section, and perineal ruptures are a common practice during childbirth. In order for the stitches imposed by the doctor to not become inflamed, observe personal hygiene, and at the first suspicion - a loose seam, an unpleasant smell, ichor, contact a specialist.

The second, no less frequent complication is bloody discharge after childbirth. A woman should sound the alarm if postpartum bleeding lasts more than 4-5 days and more than one pad is soaked for one hour. Also, the newly-made mom should be alerted by the color - bright red, rotten smell of discharge and pulling pains in the lower abdomen.

Hemorrhoids - a particularly unpleasant consequence - is characterized by swelling, burning pain in the anus. Most often, women in labor with thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, and overweight are susceptible to hemorrhoids.

The most serious complications after childbirth are manifested in a disease such as endometritis. The inflammatory process of the uterus is susceptible to women after cesarean section, with concomitant diseases of the genitals, during manual examination of the uterus, separation of the placenta and placenta, with exacerbation of infections and repeated abortions in history.

Symptoms characterizing endometritis:

  • Increase in body temperature 2-7 days after childbirth (up to 38-40 degrees);
  • Drawing, constant pain in the lower abdomen, which can also be given to the lower back;
  • Brownish brown discharge with an unpleasant odor that lasts more than 2 weeks

    Why are complications after childbirth dangerous?
    Why are complications after childbirth dangerous?
  • Poor uterine contractility;
  • Chills, weakness, headaches, poor appetite.

Complications after childbirth are a serious disorder in the female body, the consequences of which - in neglected forms - can often be irreversible. Therefore, every young mother who values health, and especially her reproductive function, having found alarming symptoms, should immediately consult a gynecologist.

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