What you need to take to the hospital

What you need to take to the hospital - this issue begins to worry many expectant mothers, starting from the last trimester of pregnancy. The birth of a baby is a long-awaited and responsible event, so it is better to prepare for it in advance - so that in the already difficult period of being in the hospital you do not experience the inconvenience of the lack of necessary hygiene items. So, a bag for women in labor - what should it be?
Firstly, in the maternity hospital, special requirements are imposed on the bag itself - it should not be made of fabric, woven and leather material, as it promotes the growth of pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, all the necessary things must be packed in a plastic or transparent bag and, preferably, one.
Well, if you prefer to pack everything yourself, we will tell you what you need to take to the hospital? Of course, an exchange card, generic certificate, policy, passport and other documents. Also, do not forget about pocket money, cell phone, charging. Also, a young mother will need clean, washable slippers, several dressing gowns, a nightdress (preferably with a cut on the chest for feeding), toothpaste, a comb, hair clips, toilet paper and two or three towels (large, bath and hand). It is good to add soap, shower gel, shampoo, socks, lactation tea, and anything edible for a quick bite to this list. Do not forget about the dishes - plate, spoon, fork, cup, knife. Be sure to take with you large postpartum pads, breast pads (especially relevant for intensive milk production), cotton or disposable panties,postpartum bandage and beautiful things, cosmetics for discharge. It is good to take some trash bags with you.
What should be taken to the hospital for the baby? Of course, clothes - be guided by the time of the year, however, it is better to bring something demi-season with you, for example, in case of cold nights. It is better to take more

change of clothes, as newborn babies often spit up, sweat, urinate, and you may not have time to wash and dry clothes. Or desires. Also, take a discharge kit, bedding (blanket, diapers), diapers, baby care cosmetics (baby cream, powder, soap), wet wipes.
And finally, for the soul: you can take your camera or video camera, your favorite book, crosswords, a laptop, knitting - anything that will allow you to relax and unwind while your baby sleeps. Happy childbirth!
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