How to quickly and easily get rid of constipation at home
The content of the article:
- Good to know about constipation and its treatment
- Nutrition correction
- Tips
- Mode
- Drinking regime
- Exercise stress
- Massage
- Enemas: pros and cons
Constipation medication
- Phytopreparations
- Laxatives
- Synthetic drugs
- Osmotic agents
- How to choose a laxative
- Folk remedies
- What symptoms to look for when home treatment
- Video
Constipation is a violation of the act of defecation, in which bowel movements occur less than 3 times a week and are accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. To one degree or another, every third adult faces a problem. You can quickly and easily get rid of constipation at home using a comprehensive treatment. It is necessary to follow a diet with a high fiber content, move more during the day, establish a bowel movement, and, if ineffective, resort to laxatives.

The most effective for constipation is a complex treatment that acts on the problem from several sides at once
Good to know about constipation and its treatment
Constipation is a violation of bowel movements, which is characterized by the following symptoms:
- bowel movement less than 1 time in 3 days;
- the feces are dense, dry;
- feeling of incomplete bowel movement, heaviness in the abdomen;
- the need to use additional manipulations.
Constipation is not such a harmless problem. In a chronic course, symptoms of intoxication often develop: constant weakness and fatigue, sleep disturbances, headache, decreased mood.
Pathology often develops against the background of malnutrition and physical inactivity. At the same time, constipation can be a symptom of colitis, hemorrhoids, colon tumors, and diseases of the nervous system. The treatment tactics depend on the cause of constipation.
Alimentary constipation can and should be fought at home. If the cause of stool retention is another disease, it is not recommended to be treated at home - a full examination and specialist consultation is required.
Nutrition correction
The main treatment for constipation is following a diet high in plant fiber. This leads to an increase in the volume of feces and their softening. Also, the diet increases the content of foods that stimulate peristalsis.
What foods will help fix the problem:
- fresh fruits and berries: apples, pears, plums, red currants;
- fresh vegetables: carrots, beets, cucumbers, pumpkin, zucchini;
- dried fruits, especially prunes;
- vegetable oils: sunflower, olive, linseed;
- bran;
- Rye bread;
- fermented milk products of low fat content: yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk;
- seaweed;
- wholemeal pasta;
- porridge: buckwheat, oatmeal.
Such a diet is contraindicated if the cause of constipation is diseases of the rectum and nervous tissue. In these cases, the large intestine may not be able to handle a large amount of stool, which leads to the formation of fecal blockages.
The elimination of foods that inhibit peristalsis helps to remove the symptoms of constipation:
- strong coffee and tea, cocoa;
- chocolate, sweets;
- pastries, cakes and baked goods;
- semolina, rice, pasta;
- smoked products;
- red meat;
- cottage cheese.
To eliminate constipation, it is recommended to observe fractional meals: 5-6 meals every 3-4 hours. In this case, the portions should be small so as not to overload the intestines.
Vegetables and fruits are best taken fresh, the rest of the dishes are stewed, boiled, steamed.

Correcting your diet is essential for resolving constipation
Drug-free treatment is not limited to diet. To cope with constipation will help following simple recommendations: a glass of water on an empty stomach, massage, going to the toilet at the same time, physical activity. You should not expect an immediate effect, follow these recommendations for at least 21 days.
Establishing a bowel movement mode has a good effect. It is necessary to accustom the body to going to the toilet at the same time, preferably in the morning. It is not recommended to restrain the urge to defecate, this will only aggravate the constipation.
Drinking regime
A prerequisite for getting rid of constipation is drinking enough fluids. Men need to drink 2-2.5 liters of water every day, women - 1.5-2 liters. In addition to clean water during the day, you can drink weak green tea, herbal decoctions, freshly squeezed juices.
The habit of drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach helps to cope well with constipation. Place a glass of water near your bed and drink it right after waking up.
Drinking enough fluids will soften your stools and make it easier to empty your bowels.
Exercise stress
Physical activity improves intestinal motility, but a sedentary lifestyle is one of the causes of constipation. What types of exercise are useful for stimulating intestinal motility:
- walking;
- swimming;
- yoga;
- a ride on the bicycle;
- aerobics, etc.
Below is a set of exercises for home use:
No. | Initial position | How to do the exercise | Number of repetitions |
Lying on your back | Bend your legs at the knees, lift the limbs up and perform leg movements that imitate cycling. | 40 times | |
Standing, arms hang freely along the body | Breathe out deeply, pull in your stomach. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Then you need to quickly draw in and out the stomach for 10 seconds. Take a deep breath and repeat the exercise. | 3 sets | |
On all fours (knees and palms on the floor), spine parallel to the floor | Bend your right leg at the knee and pull it towards your stomach, and do the same with your left leg. | 10 times for each leg |
You can finish the set of exercises by walking in place with a high knee lift (2 minutes).
The exercises are very simple and do not require any special training. It is advisable to do gymnastics every morning. With regular exercise, the blood circulation of the abdominal organs improves, the passage of gases and stools is facilitated.
There is another method for improving peristalsis - gentle abdominal massage.
The massage can be performed independently at home:
- starting position - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees and placed against the pelvis;
- with light pressing movements, draw from the inguinal iliac region to the hypochondrium, then above the navel and down to the left iliac region;
- the duration of the massage is 10-15 minutes.
Enemas: pros and cons
One of the most effective ways to cleanse the intestines is to administer an enema. This is a simple and affordable procedure that can be performed at home. To set an enema, you will need an Esmarch mug, 1.5 liters of warm boiled water, and vaseline oil.
How to give an enema:
- grease the tip with petroleum jelly;
- get on all fours;
- insert the tip 5 cm and open the tap on the hose;
- after all the water has come out, remove the tip;
- keep water inside for 2-3 minutes;
- release the contents of the intestines.
Despite its effectiveness and availability, an enema will not help cure constipation; it is a temporary relief method. In addition, frequent enemas can lead to irritation of the intestinal mucosa, and with prolonged use, addiction.
Thus, an enema is an effective method of dealing with acute constipation. But you should not torture yourself with daily enemas, this will not help get rid of the disease.

Enema can help relieve constipation on a one-time basis, but is not suitable for long-term treatment
Constipation medication
If non-drug treatments are ineffective, drugs (laxatives) are prescribed. Their mechanism of action is associated with increased intestinal peristalsis or inhibition of the reabsorption of water. A laxative is produced in the form of tablets, syrups, rectal suppositories. For the treatment of constipation, 4 groups of drugs can be used: osmotic, laxative, synthetic and phytopreparations.
Phytopreparations have a mild laxative effect, they are indicated for intestinal atony, since their mechanism of action is associated with increased peristalsis. Herbal laxatives include preparations of senna, rhubarb and buckthorn:
- Senade;
- Xena;
- Senalex;
- Alax;
- Phytolax.
The effect of herbal preparations begins in 6-12 hours. Therefore, they are prescribed before bedtime, so that the period of increased peristalsis falls in the morning.
Drugs from this group soften the stool and make it easier to move through the intestines. Emollients can be taken orally or given rectally.
Vaseline and castor oil is used internally. The oil is taken orally 1 tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach. The laxative effect occurs after 6 hours. The duration of treatment is no more than 5 days.
For rectal use, you can use glycerin suppositories, Norgalax gel.
Synthetic drugs
Synthetic drugs reduce the absorption of water and electrolytes in the intestine, enhances peristalsis. Synthetic laxatives include:
- Bisacodyl;
- Guttalax;
- Dulcolax;
- Laxigal.
The effect occurs in 10-12 hours. Drugs should not be taken for more than 7 days without medical supervision.

Any laxatives should not be taken for a long time.
Osmotic agents
The composition of osmotic drugs includes polymers that can hold water. As a result, the osmotic pressure in the intestine rises and the amount of water increases. This leads to a softening of feces, increased peristalsis.
These drugs usually begin to work within 6–8 hours.
Osmotic laxatives include:
- Duphalac;
- Fortrans;
- Forlax;
- Endofalk.
How to choose a laxative
There are several factors to consider when choosing a laxative:
- duration of constipation;
- whether the condition can be corrected with diet;
- whether there are concomitant diseases, especially from the gastrointestinal tract.
If problems with bowel movements have arisen recently, it is recommended to start with herbal preparations (Senade, Fitolax). In the chronic form of the disease, the first-line drugs are laxatives (castor oil, glycerin suppositories, Norgalax gel). And only after phytopreparations and laxatives have no effect, osmotic and synthetic laxatives can be prescribed.
When choosing a drug, pay attention to contraindications, side effects, doctors' reviews. In any case, it is not recommended to take any laxative without medical supervision for more than 7 days in a row.
Folk remedies
As an additional treatment, you can use folk recipes. Folk remedies contain herbs or certain foods. All funds are taken orally, their action is associated with increased peristalsis or softening of feces.
Name | Recipe | Application rules |
Prune decoction |
For cooking you will need: 100 g of prunes; 400 ml of water. Rinse the prunes, cover with water and boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. Strain, let cool. |
Take 100 ml 3 times a day |
Flax seed infusion |
For cooking you will need: · 2 tbsp. l. seeds; 200 ml of boiling water. Seeds need to be filled with water, let it brew for 12 hours. |
Take 50 ml before bed |
Buckthorn broth |
For cooking you will need: · 2 tbsp. l. buckthorn bark; 1 glass of water. The bark is placed in an enamel bowl, poured with hot water, boil in a water bath for 30 minutes. |
Take 100 ml in the morning at night |
Senna flask | 2 tsp pour 200 ml of boiled water, insist in a water bath for 30 minutes. Then the infusion is cooled and filtered. | Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day |

Buckthorn bark is one of the popular traditional medicines for treating constipation.
What symptoms to look for when home treatment
Home treatment is not effective in all cases. Sometimes the manifestations of pathology are aggravated or complications develop. The appearance of the following symptoms should alert the patient:
- severe abdominal pain;
- pain in the anus;
- nausea, vomiting;
- fecal incontinence;
- increased body temperature.
In this case, an urgent need to consult a doctor, continuing treatment at home is dangerous to health.
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Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author
Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".
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