Beginning Abortion - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Beginning Abortion - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment
Beginning Abortion - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Started abortion

Gynecology - abortions and their types
Gynecology - abortions and their types

A started abortion is a spontaneous abortion, characterized by partial detachment of the ovum from the uterine wall against the background of hypertonicity, which can develop at any gestational age. This condition is reversible. Pregnancy with the onset of such a condition in a woman can be maintained without prejudice to her health and fetal condition. In most cases, with timely medical attention, the fetus continues to develop normally in the uterine cavity until the due date. The reasons for the onset of the condition can be both external (physical stress, stress) and internal factors (inflammatory and infectious processes, pregnancy pathologies). Detachment of the ovum is accompanied by a pronounced symptomatic complex. What are the main symptoms of a started abortion? What help does a woman need first of all when an abortion begins? What are the forecasts for a woman and a fetus in this condition?

Gynecology: started abortion - clinical picture, reasons for the development of the condition, symptoms

Gynecology considers abortion that has begun as a stage of spontaneous miscarriage, which is characterized by partial detachment of the ovum from the uterine wall with increased contractile activity. This condition is reversible with minor fetal detachment. Pregnancy should be preserved according to the results of general clinical studies, basal temperature readings, as well as the results of beta-HCG and trophoblastic glycoprotein analyzes, ultrasound monitoring in the absence of pathologies and conditions that threaten the normal development of the fetus and the life of the mother.

The reasons for the onset of abortion are external and internal factors. External factors provoking detachment of the ovum from the uterine wall include:

  • Physical stress (lifting weights, overstraining);
  • Physical trauma to the abdominal cavity (falls, bumps);
  • Stress, emotional upheaval of any nature;
  • Hypothermia;
  • Overwork;
  • The use of drugs, alcohol, drugs and toxic substances.

Internal factors provoking the development of an abortion that has begun include:

  • Fetal developmental pathologies;
  • Pathology of the structure of a woman's reproductive organs (in particular, the uterus);
  • Gynecological diseases (inflammation, adhesions, etc.) - inflammatory diseases lead to impaired blood circulation in the pelvic organs, a violation of the contractile properties of the myometrium, a change in the natural conditions necessary for healthy implantation of the ovum;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Hormonal disorders leading to a critical decrease in the level of progesterone, a hormone that supports the normal development of pregnancy;
  • Immunological factors;
  • Other diseases of the body that are potentially dangerous for the healthy development of pregnancy.

The main symptoms of a started abortion include:

  • Painful sensations in the lower abdomen (pain of a pulling, aching, cramping character);
  • Bloody profuse or spotting;
  • Feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen.

The clinical picture with the onset of abortion is as follows:

  • The size of the uterus corresponds to the gestational age;
  • The cervix is preserved, its external pharynx is closed or slightly open;
  • There may be a slight leakage of amniotic fluid;
  • Detachment of the ovum occurs in a small area, the localization of the fetus is preserved. With a late onset abortion, detachment can occur in the center, as a result of which a retroplacental hematoma is formed, against which spotting may be absent.

Diagnostics and therapy of the started abortion

Gynecology positions abortion that has begun as a threatening condition that is unfavorable for the development of the fetus and the health of the woman. The symptomatic complex of an abortion that has begun has common features with a number of other diseases that indirectly threaten the condition of the fetus and the woman, but are not abortions. An abortion that has begun must be differentiated from the following diseases:

  • Bubble drift is a condition in which, as a result of conception, a fertilized egg is formed, in which the normal development of the embryo does not occur, while the villi of the placenta grow in the form of bubbles filled with liquid. As a rule, the uterus with such a pregnancy pathology grows faster than with a normal healthy pregnancy;
  • Malignant and benign formations of the cervix and vagina, representing the same clinical picture as the detachment of the ovum;
  • Ectopic pregnancy;
  • Bleeding against the background of the anovulatory cycle.

To diagnose the condition of a woman and a fetus when an abortion begins, they use:

  • Ultrasonic monitoring;
  • General blood and urine tests;
  • HCG test over time;
  • Hormone level test.

Positive dynamics of the hCG level indicates healthy development of the fetus, which allows doctors to make decisions about the viability of the embryo and the preservation of pregnancy. If, as a result of ultrasound diagnostics, fetal developmental disorders are detected (developmental pathologies, frozen pregnancy, lack of heartbeat), the question of termination of pregnancy becomes.

Therapy of an abortion that has begun is reduced to eliminating bleeding and identifying and eliminating the causes that caused the detachment of the ovum. Women in a state of abortion that has begun are subject to hospitalization until full recovery.

After an abortion - helping a woman
After an abortion - helping a woman

In cases of an abortion that has begun, it is necessary to correctly establish the causes of the condition in order to avoid the further development of a pathological pregnancy, if the detachment began due to fetal developmental disorders, or a recurrence of the condition due to external reasons that provoked the detachment.

Abortion: helping a woman with the first symptoms

When an abortion begins, a woman's assistance consists in her immediate hospitalization. At the first symptoms of an abortion that has begun, a woman is shown a state of complete rest. If painful sensations, accompanied by bloody discharge, appear, the patient is not recommended to make any attempts at self-diagnosis and treatment. Taking any medications if you suspect that an abortion has begun is not help. Any medications are contraindicated, since their action can significantly change the clinical picture of the condition and make it difficult to make a correct diagnosis. Gynecology regards abortion that has begun as a condition in which it is possible to maintain a pregnancy. However, in the absence of proper care for a long time, maintaining pregnancy becomes impossible. In the absence of proper help, the started abortion can go into the stage of abortion in progress, which is already an irreversible process, since at this stage the complete detachment of the ovum occurs and its removal from the uterine cavity begins. This condition often ends with incomplete or complete abortion. In case of incomplete abortion, confirmed by ultrasound monitoring, surgical intervention is necessary to completely remove the remnants of the fetus from the uterine cavity (curettage).

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