Correct Nutritional Diet Of RAMS - Basic Principles

Correct Nutritional Diet Of RAMS - Basic Principles
Correct Nutritional Diet Of RAMS - Basic Principles

Correct diet

RAMS nutritional diet - a balanced daily diet
RAMS nutritional diet - a balanced daily diet

The correct diet is a balanced daily diet that replenishes the balance of the necessary micro and macro elements, vitamins for the normal development and functioning of the body in accordance with the person's lifestyle.

The diet of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences is the basis of proper nutrition, which allows you to normalize digestion, the amount of calories consumed, as well as reorganize the sources of these calories. The main advantage of a proper diet proposed by the Institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences is scientific validity, which makes this principle of nutrition safe for any person. The RAMS diet is shown not only for people with various diseases (gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system), but also for those who want to lead a healthy lifestyle, lose weight, and get rid of bad eating habits.

The right diet: the basics of a healthy diet

The correct diet allows you to completely reorganize food intake, diet, and also helps to get rid of bad eating habits. The basis of a correct diet is extremely healthy products, as well as natural substitutes for everyone's favorite delicacies (nuts, chips, croutons, chocolate bars).

Overweight and, as a result, obesity is one of the pressing problems of the 21st century. A sedentary lifestyle, popularization of light snacks, lack of proper diet, genetically modified foods are the main causes of overweight.

Due to individual characteristics, each organism needs its own diet and diet. Also, the correct diet should be consistent with the person's lifestyle. In order to develop the right diet, it is not necessary to consult a dietitian. Proper nutrition is based on the following rules:

  • The ratio of consumed and consumed calories;
  • Lack of overeating;
  • Eating fresh foods instead of convenience foods;
  • Elimination of useless "empty" calories;
  • Sufficient amount of water.

Diet of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences: basic principles of weight loss

The RAMS nutritional diet was developed over 20 years ago. It is based on the simplest principle of maintaining a balance of expended and consumed calories. The staff of the institute found that the minimum calories required by the body, depending on the type of activity, to start active splitting and burning of body fat, ranges from 1200 to 1800 calories per day.

The next principle underlying the RAMS diet is qualitative, not quantitative, food intake to obtain the required minimum of calories. So, the basis of the diet proposed by the diet of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences are:

  • Low-fat varieties of fish, meat;
  • Low fat dairy and sour milk products;
  • Boiled eggs;
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits in unlimited quantities;
  • Cereals cooked without adding salt and oil;
  • Sorts of bran bread, rye flour, rusks;
  • Seaweed;
  • Vegetable oil - the basis of the fats consumed with a proper diet;
  • Walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts;
  • Salt up to 5g per day;
  • Purified still water - up to 2 liters per day.

What should be excluded from the diet with the right diet:

  • Cooking fats, margarines, coconut oil;
  • Pork lard, smoked meats;
  • Liver, liver pate, offal;
  • Top grade bread, confectionery;
  • Sweet carbonated drinks;
  • Pasta.

Nutrition Institute diet: the effectiveness of the method

Effective, healthy eating helps to gradually reduce the amount of food consumed by changing the proportion of vegetables in the regular diet. The diet of the Institute of Nutrition allows, in conditions of consumption of a sufficient amount of food, to activate the metabolism of fats in the body. The period of adherence to the diet is from 14 to 21 days, during which the weight can decrease from 7 to 11 kg, which will depend on the initial weight of the person. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables will significantly reduce the calorie content of the diet, and fermented milk products will help start the processes of cleansing the digestive tract.

The Nutrition Institute diet allows you to avoid metabolic disorders, which often happens when you follow traditional fast weight loss diets. The correct diet will effectively change the "food" habits: fractional meals (three main meals and two additional meals, which can later be excluded from the regimen), the elimination of harmful foods and empty calories.

The basic principles of a good diet
The basic principles of a good diet

The correct diet can change the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, gradually accustoming the body to the correct diet. As a rule, after completing the diet of the Institute of Nutrition, the habit of consuming healthy foods is fixed.

Diet of the Institute of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences: is a diet suitable for constant adherence?

The diet of the Institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences is an effective way to reduce weight and normalize the diet and diet. However, this diet is not suitable for constant adherence due to its low calorie content. The body's need for calories varies depending on the season of the year, the person's lifestyle, concomitant diseases, and age. Constant adherence to the diet of the Institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences can lead to vitamin deficiency, a deficiency of the main macro- and microelements, which in turn will provoke disruptions in the functioning of various body systems. This diet is designed to be followed over a period of time and to achieve the desired result. If the correct diet does not lead to the desired weight loss, it can be repeated after a month. However, if the correct diet is ineffective, it is recommended to undergo a comprehensive examination by a therapist, nutritionist,an endocrinologist to identify possible internal factors that provoke excess weight.

Diet of the RAMS: advantages and disadvantages of the method

The RAMS food diet is one of the safest food systems that contribute to the normalization of the human digestive function, a gradual change in the diet, as well as the development of a new diet.

The main advantages of the RAMS diet are:

  • A wide range of foods allowed for consumption, which allows you to create your own diet, gradually changing it, supplementing it with new products. This, in turn, allows you to avoid significant stress for the body, starvation;
  • A proper RAMS diet allows you to start the natural processes of cleansing and burning fats;
  • Sufficient time for the natural restructuring of the body.

The main disadvantage of the RAMS diet is the constant calculation of calories consumed, for which it is necessary to study the energy value of the products on which the diet is based. The RAMS nutritional diet requires strict control of the amount of calories consumed, for which you will need a food diary, which is very useful in preparing and following any diet. So, all meals (snacks, lollipops, coffee) are entered into the food diary, listing all the foods consumed and their quantity. These records will help you eliminate unnecessary meals, and also identify those foods that are not beneficial during the day.

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