Diet For Pancreatic Disease - Treatment

Diet For Pancreatic Disease - Treatment
Diet For Pancreatic Disease - Treatment

Diet for pancreatic disease

Diet for pancreatic disease is one of the treatment options
Diet for pancreatic disease is one of the treatment options

Recently, people are increasingly suffering from various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. As a rule, doctors associate such diseases with inadequate or improper nutrition, an unorganized lifestyle. Also, these diseases often provoke organic damage, the intake of certain medications, and a bad environmental situation. Most often from the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, the pancreas is affected. With a disease, swelling and inflammation of the gland occurs, it increases in size, and foci of necrosis are formed on it, from which the infection enters the internal environment of the body. Timely treatment here plays a very important role, and diet is not the last in the treatment of the pancreas.

The pancreas performs a very important function in our body - it secretes pancreatic juice, which digests food. In addition, the pancreas contains blotches of cells called islets of Langerhans. These cells are responsible for the synthesis of insulin, without which normal absorption of glucose is impossible.

Diseases of the pancreas

The most common diseases of the pancreas are chronic or acute pancreatitis. Typically, this disease causes weakness throughout the body, fever, loss of appetite, vomiting and nausea, as well as aching or sharp pain in the side, which can radiate to the back. Treatment for pancreatitis must be prompt.

The basics of nutritional therapy and diet for diseases of the pancreas

In addition to medication for the pancreas, diet is also important. Nutritional therapy is an integral part of successful treatment. Diet with pancreas prevents the development of the disease and inhibits the occurrence of chronic processes, and indeed, has a preventive and restorative effect on the body.

So, the basic principles of a diet for diseases of the pancreas include:

  • Compliance with the correct diet. Meals should take place at the same hours, be regular.
  • The diet must certainly be interesting and varied.
  • When the pancreas hurts, the diet should be selected individually, taking into account the complexity of the course of the disease and the needs of the body.
  • When choosing the necessary products, you should pay attention to their chemical composition and calorie content.
  • It should be remembered that before serving, all foods must be properly cooked as prescribed by the pancreatic diet.
  • In case of pancreatic inflammation, the diet should be included in a set of medical techniques (drug therapy, physical activity, physiotherapy, the use of mineral-active waters, etc.).

Acute Pancreatic Inflammation - Diet

In acute pancreatic disease, the diet begins with therapeutic fasting. In the first few days after the onset of the disease, it is allowed to use only mineral water without gas. In the absence of such, you can drink boiled water at room temperature, as well as a rosehip broth or weak tea. The duration of therapeutic fasting depends on the severity of the disease. Fasting exceeding two weeks is not allowed, as the body begins to experience an acute shortage of nutrients from food.

After the end of therapeutic fasting, the patient is prescribed a diet for diseases of the pancreas. Such a diet does not allow the use of broths, fats and products prepared by frying. The use of salt is excluded. The food should be steamed in liquid or semi-liquid form, at a temperature of about 20-50 degrees. A variety of vegetarian soups with potatoes, zucchini and carrots are great. Porridge made from oatmeal, semolina, buckwheat can be cooked in milk diluted in half with water. Wheat bread is suitable for 1-2 grades, preferably yesterday's or pre-dried.

The portions should be small and the number of meals per day should be 6-8 times. Of the drinks, a decoction of rose hips, black currants, cranberry juice, fruit juices will be very useful. The volume of liquid taken should be 2-2.5 liters per day.

On the fourth day of following such a diet with pancreas, you can gradually introduce dairy products (low-fat cottage cheese and kefir) into the diet, as well as protein foods (steamed omelet of proteins). You can add semi-liquid cereals with milk, low-fat cottage cheese, light meats (veal, turkey, rabbit, chicken, beef) to the diet. Fish should be eaten low-fat, steamed.

After a few more days of the diet with inflammation of the pancreas, you can carefully add foods with higher calories to the diet. You can add a small piece of butter, 1-2 tablespoons of sour cream, a little sunflower oil to the porridge. It is allowed to take jelly, mashed compotes, various decoctions of dried fruits, weak tea with lemon, as well as raw fruits and vegetables.

Alcohol, chocolate, mayonnaise, mustard, sweet soda, various spices, grapes, bananas, raisins, dates are prohibited.

Diet for pancreatic disease: chronic pancreatitis

With a chronic disease of the pancreas, the diet implies a complete rejection of fish and meat broths. All legumes should be excluded from the diet, except for green peas, as well as cabbage, peppers, vinegar, mushrooms, garlic, radishes, onions, radishes and various hot spices. Unfortunately, those with a sweet tooth will have to say goodbye to honey, jam, chocolate, cocoa, ice cream and pastry forever. Alcoholic drinks, beer, kvass and soda are also taboo.

Diet for pancreatic disease limits the range of permitted foods, but the diet must be saturated with nutrients
Diet for pancreatic disease limits the range of permitted foods, but the diet must be saturated with nutrients

And what is there then? Yes, a lot of things. If you follow a diet for pancreatic disease, you can eat a variety of vegetarian and cereal soups. Cutlets, goulash and various meat dishes can be eaten only in boiled form. It will be useful to eat one soft-boiled egg daily, natural cheeses, low-fat cottage cheese. The use of barley porridge, millet, rice, rolled oats is allowed, but only well boiled. Mashed potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, green peas, beets will be useful. You should use dried fruit compotes, baked apples, apricots, pears, various fruit mousses. It will be useful to add a little butter or vegetable oil to ready-made dishes. But the bread must be eaten dried.

The most important rule for diseases of the pancreas is not to overeat! Food should be eaten frequently, in small portions, up to 8 times a day. The temperature of the food should be warm, but you will have to forget about cold or hot dishes.

Remember, diet should not be neglected when treating pancreas. Your health and well-being depends on it.

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