Margarine is a cheap substitute for natural butter, similar in chemical composition, consistency, smell and taste.

Margarine was created in France by the chemist Hippolyte Mezh-Mourier.
Production and composition of margarine
Currently, they produce bar and sandwich soft margarine, improved quality margarine and table margarine. The most popular among consumers is sandwich margarine of slightly yellow color.
In the production of this food product, auxiliary and main raw materials are used. Fat base is used as the main raw material. The quality of the finished product largely depends on the physicochemical parameters and rheological characteristics of the base.
Hardness, melting point and concentration of the solid phase are the most important indicators of the properties of margarine. The accumulation of one-acid multi-melting glycerides imparts softness to the given product, and high-melting glycerides - increased hardness.
As a fatty base of margarine, various refined sunflower oils without taste and smell are most often used. In the USA, the main raw material for the production of this product is soybean oil, and in Western Europe - rapeseed oil.
In the production of low-calorie margarine, palm kernel, coconut and palm vegetable oils are widely used. Using these oils makes this product more plastic. In Germany, pork fat (lard) is added to certain margarine varieties.
Bar solid margarine consists of 80% fat and 20% of liquid fat (most often vegetable oil). Pouring margarine is 40-50% liquid fat.
The composition of margarine as auxiliary components usually includes milk, butter, salt, sugar, preservatives, emulsifiers, aromatic and flavoring additives (vanillin, cocoa powder, coffee extract). Auxiliary components form the water-milk base of the product.
The salt in margarine gives it a salty taste and also reduces spatter when used to fry food.
In addition to milk margarine, margarine is currently produced, which does not contain milk. However, fermented cream, sodium caseinate are added to some types of such a product.
Sorbic, citric and benzoic acids are allowed to be used as preservatives in the production of margarine in our country. The Netherlands and Denmark use sorbic acid and potassium sorbate. Both sorbic and benzoic acids and their sodium and potassium salts are used in Great Britain and the USA. Lactic and citric acids are added to the water base of the product to increase the microbiological resistance. Citric acid has a synergistic effect on preservatives and oxidants.
To increase the stability of solid fats to oxidation, oxidizing agents - butyloxyanisole and butyloxytoluene at a concentration of 0.02% are included in the margarine. They are usually added in a mixture with tocopherol, lecithin and citric acid.
Emulsifiers help retain moisture and are anti-spatter and keep this product stable.
Currently, margarine is produced in chocolate (brown), pink, yellow and other colors.
Nutritional value and calorie content of margarine
In terms of calorie content, margarine is not much inferior to butter. The calorie content of margarine is 745 kcal per 100 g.
One hundred grams of this product contains 16.5 g of water, 0.5 g of ash, 3 mg of choline, 25 mg of vitamin E, 0.03 mg of vitamin B2, 0.02 mg of vitamin A, 400 μg of vitamin PP.
In addition, margarine contains 7 mcg of phosphorus, 10 mcg of potassium, 187 mg of sodium, 1 mg of magnesium and 11 mg of calcium.
All nutrients are artificially added to this product.
The benefits of margarine
The energy value of margarine is higher than that of butter, so this product is considered a good source of fat. In addition, it contains a number of trace elements and vitamins.

The benefits of margarine are in its vegetable origin. That is why it does not contain cholesterol. Although sometimes animal fats are added to the composition of this product to improve its taste.
The benefits of margarine directly depend on the quality of the raw materials from which it is produced.
Harm to margarine
In scientific circles and the press, the question of the dangers of margarine is often discussed.
The product contains trans fatty acid isomers (FFA) and residues of various chemicals. That is why margarine can cause considerable harm to an adult, as well as a child's body.
Human digestive enzymes cannot process the artificial components that make up margarine. That is why the regular use of HIFA, even in small quantities, leads to metabolic disorders, to a decrease in immunity, and also increases the risk of developing diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular and oncological diseases. In addition, trans fats impair the quality of breast milk and lead to low birth weight babies.
In men, regular and long-term use of margarine leads to a deterioration in sperm quality, as well as decreases testosterone production and increases the risk of developing infertility.
Storage conditions
Margarine should be stored in a refrigerator at a temperature of 0 to 4 ° C for one and a half months, at a temperature of -10 to -20 ° C for about two months. The shelf life of a product also depends on the type of packaging.
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