Lovage - Properties, Application, Contraindications

Lovage - Properties, Application, Contraindications
Lovage - Properties, Application, Contraindications


Lovage is a perennial herb. Afghanistan and Iran are considered his homeland. But now it is acclimatized and grows in almost all countries. Lovage root has a specific smell, reminiscent of celery. Therefore, many peoples call this plant "winter celery".



The aerial part, seeds and lovage root are used for food. The cut rhizomes of the plant quickly turn black under the influence of air. To prevent this discoloration, sprinkle them with a mild solution of vinegar, citric acid, or lemon juice diluted in half with water. Lovage greens are used in cooking as a spicy seasoning in cooking and salting vegetables.

Lovage has a spicy and pungent smell. Its taste at first seems sweetish, and then moderately bitter and spicy. This plant is added as a spice to various broths and soups. It goes well with almost all meat dishes, giving them a unique, very appetizing aroma. The greatest application is found in home canning. Even a small amount of it allows you to give canned food a kind of mushroom flavor.

The green parts of the plant are often used to make green oils and are also added to sauces and gravies.

Lovage goes well with fried and stewed vegetables, fish, poultry, rice and other cereals.

Lovage root is eaten fried, stewed, boiled and fresh. It is added to casseroles, salads, mashed potatoes, vegetables, stews, burgers, and soups.

In spring, a delicious and healthy salad is prepared from lovage root. Mix the lovage root, finely chopped apple and lettuce, grated on a coarse grater.

Lovage: properties

Lovage has many beneficial properties for human health, which are explained by the richness of its chemical composition. This plant is rich in essential oils, minerals, vitamins and potassium salts. Lovage roots contain gum, resins, malic acid, coumarin, tannins, sugar, and starch.

One of the beneficial properties of lovage is that it enhances intestinal peristalsis. Therefore, it is recommended to eat it more often for people with atonic constipation.

Lovage has a positive effect on the central nervous system, contributes to the relief of migraines, eliminates edema. The anti-inflammatory property of lovage allows the leaves of this plant to be used to treat wounds, non-healing ulcers, and pustular skin lesions.

Another useful property of lovage is its anthelmintic effect.

Dried lovage
Dried lovage

Lovage from alcoholism

The healing properties of lovage have been known to doctors and herbalists since ancient times. In Russia, this plant has often been used and is used to treat alcoholism, especially in cases where the patient refuses to recognize the existing problem and begin voluntary treatment.

The famous clairvoyant Vanga also advised to use lovage from alcoholism. To prepare a medicinal infusion, you must use fresh roots of lovage, previously slightly dried in the fresh air. Grind 30.0 g of roots and pour a glass of boiling water. Insist for about an hour, drain. The resulting solution is mixed with a patient with alcoholism in food or drink (it is possible without his knowledge). If he takes alcoholic beverages, severe stomach cramps and vomiting occur. As a result of this, an aversion to any alcoholic beverages is very quickly developed.

Thus, the use of lovage from alcoholism can become a good alternative to the traditional treatment of this terrible disease, especially in cases where the patient categorically refuses drug treatment.

Lovage: contraindications

When lovage is taken in therapeutic doses, there are usually no side effects. However, you should refuse to use this plant for people who have idiosyncrasy (individual intolerance) to it.

Contraindications to lovage are also pregnancy and diseases of the urinary tract, as well as chronic renal failure.

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