Bluefish - Composition, Properties, Preparation

Bluefish - Composition, Properties, Preparation
Bluefish - Composition, Properties, Preparation


Bluefish is a predatory fish belonging to the order of perchiformes and is one of the objects of fishing and fishing. Her body is flat and elongated. It reaches puberty by the age of five. Bluefish can be up to one meter long and weigh 15 kilograms.

Fresh bluefish
Fresh bluefish

Bluefish are caught from the end of July to almost the end of November. Usually it is found in river mouths, where there are many fry and young fish, which this predator feeds on. Catching this fish is quite difficult, because she knows how to jump out of the water and besides it has great strength. There is a case when bluefish, taken out of the water, bit through the fingers and legs of fishermen, inflicting lacerated wounds on them, reminiscent of dog bites.


Bluefish is one of the representatives of migratory fish and is found almost everywhere in the seas of the temperate and tropical climatic zone, with the exception of the eastern coast of the Pacific Ocean. Bluefish is widespread in the Black and Azov Seas.

Application of bluefish

Bluefish meat has good taste and high nutritional value. It is white in color and has a dense texture. You can find fresh, ice cream or salted bluefish on sale. In Russia, this fish is often sold in the form of a fillet called "sea bass" and is used for stewing, baking or frying.

Very tasty dish "Lufar in Kiev". To prepare it, you should skip the fish fillet through a meat grinder. The resulting minced meat is salted and pepper to taste, thoroughly kneaded and small cakes are formed from it. The tortillas are moistened in a beaten egg, doused in flour or breadcrumbs and fried in a large amount of well-heated vegetable oil. Before serving, patty patties are poured with melted butter. For a side dish, you can serve boiled vegetables, mashed potatoes or fried potatoes. For decoration, use slices of tomatoes, lightly salted cucumbers, lemon wedges and green lettuce.

Composition and properties of bluefish

Bluefish is very popular with chefs and housewives. The fish is easy to clean. Her skin is soft and thin. There are practically no small bones in the meat, and when cooked, it retains its shape well, while remaining quite juicy.

Bluefish meat is a valuable nutritious product. It contains about 20% protein, over 5% fat and no carbohydrates. The calorie content of 100.0 of this fish is 109.4 kcal.

The fat in lufar contains polyunsaturated fatty acids that have antioxidant properties and protect people from many diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system and the development of malignant neoplasms.

Bluefish protein is easily digestible and therefore the meat of this fish is widely used in dietary nutrition, as well as in the diet of the elderly and children.

Fried bluefish
Fried bluefish

In addition, bluefish meat contains a lot of PP vitamin and minerals. So in 100.0 grams of bluefish contains 1.8 mg of iron, 220.0 mg of phosphorus, 30.0 mg of calcium, 335.0 mg of potassium and 100.0 mg of sodium. The phosphorus contained in bluefish is very useful for the human body, because It is necessary for the synthesis of numerous enzymes and molecules of adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATP), which are the energy reserve of every living cell.

Bluefish meat is also rich in vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin). This vitamin improves the synthesis of myelin and DNA, is directly involved in the process of fat metabolism, improves the processes of cellular respiration, especially in chronic or acute hypoxia.

Regular consumption of bluefish in food has a positive effect on the health of the digestive and nervous systems, improves the appearance of the skin. Due to the absence of carbohydrates in bluefish meat, it can be used in the diet of people suffering from diabetes mellitus.

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