Adenovirus Infection In Children

Adenovirus Infection In Children
Adenovirus Infection In Children

Adenovirus infection in children

Correct treatment of adenovirus infection in children
Correct treatment of adenovirus infection in children

Adenovirus belongs to the group of DNA-containing microorganisms. This means that the pathogen is resistant to environmental influences. At room temperature, adenovirus persists for about a half month. All dangerous properties do not disappear after double freezing. The pathogen can only be destroyed by boiling or ultraviolet radiation.

Adenovirus infection in children is a contagious disease that is transmitted both by airborne droplets and by contact: alimentary or fecal-oral (dirty hands disease). The source of infection is a sick person. The virus is found in nasal secretions and feces. Children become infected, because they do not always wash their hands, and while swimming in open reservoirs, they swallow water. Patients shed viruses 3-4 weeks after infection.

In kindergartens and schools, the infectious disease is transmitted mainly by airborne droplets. Indoors, adenoviruses accumulate and are deposited on toys, notebooks, textbooks.

After infection, the child does not feel any health problems for 3-12 days, although it is dangerous to the surrounding children.

Most often, adenovirus infection in children develops between the ages of six months and three years. When the baby is breastfed, the risk of infection is low due to the immunoglobulins in the mother's milk. Antibodies are produced to the adenovirus, which provide immune protection for 5-8 years. But, immunity is type-specific. That is, a person receives protection only from the type of virus that caused the disease. And today there are about fifty of these species. Therefore, infection with adenovirus in breastfed children develops with a probability of fifty to fifty, because no more than two types of pathogen "live" in one geographic region.

Adenovirus infection in children, symptoms

Despite the fact that adenovirus can cause completely different localization of the disease, today only two main infection syndromes are known:

  • Acute respiratory distress;
  • Pharyngoconjunctival fever.

In the first form of the course of adenovirus infection in children, the symptoms are similar to those of influenza, but differ in the severity of the course and the possibility of attaching the bacterial flora. General and local manifestations are characteristic of the ARI-type flow. Common symptoms include the following:

  • Slow onset of the disease: lethargy, malaise, lack of appetite;
  • Chill, alternating with fever.

Local manifestations are localized in the "entrance gate" area:

  • Nasal congestion;
  • Runny nose;
  • Redness and swelling of the tonsils;
  • Coughing.

With adenoviral infection in children, proceeding as pharyngoconjunctivitis, the body temperature rises first: from 38 to 40 ° C. This state lasts for two to five days. At the same time, inflammatory changes occur at the level of the pharynx (pharyngitis) and the eyes (conjunctivitis). The child's eyes become reddened, and a thin film forms on their surface. As a rule, one eye is affected first, and then the other.

Complications of adenovirus infection

Viral infection in young children is prone to generalization. The adenovirus enters the respiratory tract and causes pneumonia. Otherwise, it is called hemorrhagic, because when the vessels are destroyed, blood accumulates in the alveoli, making breathing difficult.

With adenovirus infection in children caused by type 8, the cornea of the eyes is damaged, which can provoke the formation of cataracts.

During the illness, children under one year old often suffer from intestinal disorders. When the adenovirus is localized in the lymph nodes of the mesentery, mesoenteritis develops, the symptoms of which are similar to acute appendicitis.

Treatment of adenovirus infection in children

There is currently no specific therapy. Antiviral drugs do not have the desired effect. Adenoviruses are also insensitive to any antibiotics and sulfa drugs. Nevertheless, given the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the child's body, doctors prescribe antibacterial drugs, since the treatment of adenovirus infection in children is carried out not in order to destroy the virus, but in order to prevent formidable complications.

Sick children are shown bed rest for a week. The diet contains adequate amounts of protein and fluids. At high temperatures, antipyretics are prescribed. If shortness of breath occurs, the child is given desensitizing drugs to prevent status asthma.

For the prevention of pneumonia with adenovirus infection in children, distracting treatment is carried out: they put mustard plasters, use an UFO lamp.

In case of symptoms of conjunctivitis, it is not recommended to remove the films formed overnight. It is enough to rinse the eyes with a weak solution of boric acid (2%) or regular tea. Adenovirus infection in children, Komarovsky

Clinical manifestations of adenovirus infection in children
Clinical manifestations of adenovirus infection in children

Doctor pediatrician Komarovsky is engaged in popularizing activities with parents, convincing them that viral diseases do not need any special treatment methods that are used by relatives without a doctor's prescription.

For the treatment of adenovirus infection in children, Komarovsky proposes to create conditions under which it becomes impossible for the virus to multiply. Consequently, the symptoms of the disease are smoothed out until they disappear completely.

This requires little:

  • Ventilation of the room;
  • Warm clothes;
  • High air humidity;
  • Drink plenty of fluids.

With a persistent rhinitis, vasoconstrictor drugs will do more benefit than harm. According to Dr. Komarovsky, a sick child should breathe through his nose! No other medications are required without a doctor's prescription.

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