Hydronephrosis - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

Hydronephrosis - Dictionary Of Medical Terms
Hydronephrosis - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

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Hydronephrosis [hydronephrosis; Greek hydor - liquid, water + Greek. nephros - kidney + -ōsis (word-form. suffix) - disease; synonyms: uronephrosis, nephrohydrosis, hydronephrotic transformation] - kidney disease, characterized by significant persistent expansion of the calyces and pelvis with atrophy of the renal parenchyma; occurs as a result of a violation of the outflow of urine.

Allocate hydronephrosis:

  • aseptic (aseptica): in which, in the contents of the pelvis there are no microorganisms;
  • congenital (congenita; synonym: primary hydronephrosis): caused by abnormalities in the development of the pelvis, parenchyma of the kidney and / or ureter;
  • secondary (secundaria): arising as a complication of any disease or damage (tumor of the ureter, pelvis or kidney; urolithiasis; damage to the urinary tract);
  • dynamic (dynamica): congenital hydronephrosis caused by disorders of the neuromuscular apparatus of the ureter and pelvis with manifestations of their atony or hypotension;
  • hydronephrosis infected (infecta): complicated by pyelonephritis;
  • calculous hydronephrosis (calculosa): combined with calculi present in the kidneys;
  • mechanical hydronephrosis (mechanica): caused by compression or blockage of the ureter;
  • post-traumatic (posttraumatica): resulting from damage to the urinary tract or kidney.

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