Strip dance
Strip dance is a dance fitness trend that develops femininity and sensuality. This direction originates from striptease and goes back to the distant past. Once in Paris, the Moulin Rouge dancer took off all her clothes during the dance. This plunged others into a state of shock, and the dance itself was later called striptease. And the mysterious Mata Hari, with her defiant and sensual movements, could bring the audience to a state of ecstasy.

Strip dance today represents one of the most fashionable dance styles for women. Many people think that strip dance involves the usual undressing to the music, but this opinion is fundamentally wrong, since there may be no undressing at all. First of all, strip dance implies sensuality. This is the art of owning your own body and the ability to attract the eyes of the audience, as well as plasticity and grace of movements.
Unlike regular striptease, strip dance fascinates with its graceful movements. The dance is extremely difficult and rarely crosses the boundaries of decency. The dance is a beautiful action, devoid of vulgarity, reflecting emotions. The breathtaking rhythm of the music and the beautiful combination of body curves capture the viewer's attention and make an impression on him.
Today, every woman who wishes can master strip dance lessons, and with some effort, even become a professional in this field. Strip dance has developed into a separate dance direction, and in almost every dance school there are groups for teaching this erotic dance.
Strip dance tasks
Strip dance helps a woman:
- learn to move beautifully and femininely, improve posture;
- make your body slim and fit;
- reveal sensuality;
- feel confident, reveal your attractiveness;
- increase overall self-esteem, change the attitude towards your own body.
Is it difficult to learn strip dance?
Strip dance plastic is considered one of the most difficult. Movements should be not only beautiful, sensual and frank, but also natural. But, as they say, there would be a desire. There is special strip dance training for beginners. In such trainings, they teach special combinations of movements that help hide figure flaws and emphasize its advantages.
Strip dance lessons allow you not only to improve your figure, but also to increase self-esteem, learn how to express yourself in dance and relax. And as a reward for this, you will receive a beautiful feminine body and admiring looks from men.
Varieties of strip dance
Strip dance is subdivided into cardio striptease and strip plastic.
Strip plastic - stretching workouts, which are carried out at a slow pace with appropriate music. As a rule, this type of strip dance is more suitable for beginners.
Cardio striptease is more suitable for trained fitness lovers. Defile techniques and dynamic sets of exercises are added here to stretching, the use of various accessories begins, which add originality and piquancy to the dance.
Strip dance training program
Strip dance lessons involve a rather serious burden on the body. Strip-dance is hard to imagine without stretching, so training in strip-dance for beginners involves daily stretching exercises. Standard strip dance training consists of:
- stretch marks;
- defile;
- teaching acting skills;
- teaching plastic on the floor;
- teaching plastic around the pole and wall;
- working with objects, learning to dance near a chair;
- private dance performances.

When will the result of training be?
The speed of getting the result from training depends on your desire and the coach who is engaged in your training. Some masters pay more attention to dance technique, others - to stretching. Like any dance, strip dance requires extraordinary effort and physical effort, as well as time for constant training. You need to be prepared for the fact that you have to work hard, otherwise you will not be able to achieve the desired result.
If you practice hard, the results will show up pretty quickly. However, it should be borne in mind that in the absence of good stretching, mastering strip dance will take a lot of time.
An important role is played by the competence of the teacher and his ability to find an individual approach to each student. Then the desire to take strip dance lessons will not disappear after the first training session.
In general, strip dance is a very useful activity, as it strengthens the muscles of the whole body and heals the female body. The woman not only begins to look better, but becomes more sexy. But the most important thing is that she gains self-confidence. And this is an important moment for any area of life.
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