Beets - Calories, Composition, Benefits, Use For Weight Loss

Beets - Calories, Composition, Benefits, Use For Weight Loss
Beets - Calories, Composition, Benefits, Use For Weight Loss

Calorie content of beets

Useful properties and calorie content of beets
Useful properties and calorie content of beets

The modern beet is derived from the wild beet growing in India and the Far East. In the past, only the leaves were eaten, and the roots were intended for medicinal purposes. As a result of painstaking and long-term work of breeders, we can now eat ordinary and familiar beets.

Advantages, calorie content of beets and its use in traditional medicine

Beets have a huge range of useful and medicinal properties. Roots contain many vitamins of group B, PP, minerals: iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iodine, bioflavonoids, betaine, etc. Eating beets, normalizes metabolism, restores the good functioning of the digestive system. And at the same time, beets contain very few calories.

Beets are an excellent source of phosphorus, copper and vitamin C. The leaves contain a large amount of vitamin A. With its help, toxins are removed, and the low calorie content of beets allows it to be used in various diets. Beetroot helps prevent the onset and growth of cancerous tumors.

Vitamin B9 contained in beets solves the problems of heart diseases, participates in the production of hemoglobin in the body, which perfectly prevents anemia and leukemia. Folic acid helps in the creation of new and healthy cells. The body is rejuvenated thanks to it. For weight loss, beets are ideal.

She perfectly cleans the kidneys, blood. Eating it in food, the acidity decreases, which contributes to a good cleansing of the liver. At the same time, the calorie content of beets is small. It has a very beneficial effect on people in whom fluid in the body tends to retain. Therefore, obese people need to eat beets for weight loss. At the same time, you should not worry about the calorie content of beets.

This wonderful vegetable eliminates and removes toxins, stimulates the brain, maintains psychological health, and you will not face premature aging when eating beets. And do not forget about the low calorie content of beets!

Another advantage is the ability of beets to strengthen the walls of blood capillaries. The beneficial substances contained in it promote vasodilation and have anti-sclerotic and sedative effects. Removing excess fluid, beets normalize the work of the heart muscle. Beetroot has small calories, so it can be safely recommended for the prevention and treatment of diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertension and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Pectin substances contained in root crops remove cholesterol and heavy metals from the body. In the intestines, the development of various harmful microorganisms is delayed, which also allows the use of beets for weight loss.

Due to the high content of iron and copper in roots, it has excellent hematopoietic properties. Therefore, it is indispensable for anemia and fragility of the walls of blood vessels and capillaries.

Cooking beets

It is recommended to boil the beets in the peel without cutting off the roots. This way vitamins are better preserved. Raw beets, of course, contain more nutrients, but raw beets are less digestible.

Unlike other vegetables, boiled beets retain almost all of their beneficial properties, and the calorie content of beets is not high. The mineral salts and B vitamins included in its composition are not very sensitive to heating.

Slimming beets

All minerals that make up beets are of an alkaline nature, which, with a basic acidic diet, creates favorable conditions for the body as a whole. In Latin, beets are called Beta. It contains a lot of betaine, which makes it possible to perfectly reduce blood pressure, prevent liver obesity, and regulate metabolism. Beetroot contains small calories, and therefore fat metabolism is regulated in the best way. The calorie content of beets both in root crops and in leaves is small.

How many calories are in beets

How many calories are in beets and how to use it correctly for weight loss
How many calories are in beets and how to use it correctly for weight loss

The calorie content of beets per 100 g is 42 kcal. Therefore, it is very effective and beneficial for weight loss. In doing so, it works as a mild laxative and diuretic. Due to the fact that beets contain small calories, they are often included in various diets for weight loss. Knowing how many calories are in beets, you can easily adjust your weight.

The calorie content of boiled beets ranges from 40 to 43 calories per 100 g. Including it in the diet, you can lose weight well without harming your health and feel great.

Not only is the calorie content of boiled beets not large, they contain a sufficient amount of fiber, which helps the intestines.


Despite all its useful qualities and low calorie content, beets should be used with caution in gastritis, diabetes mellitus, and people with urolithiasis.

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