Calorie borscht
Among all the famous first courses, borsch is the most popular among the residents of Russia and Ukraine. Borscht is a dish that every housewife should be able to cook. In ancient times, it was believed that a woman who does not know how to cook this dish cannot get married. Today, there are many varieties of borscht and methods of its preparation. Accordingly, the calorie content of borscht can also be completely different.

Conventionally, all types of borscht can be divided into two groups:
- Red, which includes meat, beans, tomatoes (tomato paste), cabbage, beets, carrots, onions and potatoes. It is difficult to imagine a real hot and aromatic Ukrainian borscht without a good spoonful of sour cream;
- Green. The main ingredients of this borscht are sorrel, potatoes, carrots, onions, meat and herbs. Boiled egg and sour cream will help to complement the already rich taste of this first course.
Sitting down at the table in front of a large plate of borscht, many do not even think about how many calories are in borscht. First of all, you need to think that this dish skillfully combines many useful vitamins (B1, B2, B6, C, folic and pantothenic acids) and minerals, as well as fats, carbohydrates and proteins that are found in broth and vegetables. selected for borscht. That is why it gives the necessary vital energy, normalizes the work of the digestive system, liver, removes all toxic substances and enriches the whole body with useful and missing elements.
How many calories are in borscht?
Borscht is a fairly hearty first course because most often it is cooked in broth with a lot of meat. Depending on the recipe for its preparation, the number of calories in borscht will be different. First of all, it is necessary to take into account which ingredients are part of a particular dish. Knowing this, it is easy to calculate how many calories are in borscht.
Consider the approximate calorie content of borscht:
- 100 g of this first course, cooked according to a traditional Ukrainian recipe, will contain approximately 100 kcal;
- The calorie content of borscht with fresh cabbage will not exceed 116 kcal (per 100 g);
- Calorie content of borscht with sauerkraut - 156 kcal;
- Green borscht, originally cooked on the bone, will eventually contain 168 kcal;
- Fewest calories in borscht with beans. So, 100 g of the finished product will have only 67 kcal.
In the event that you want to get rid of extra pounds, but at the same time cannot imagine your life without borscht, do not give it up completely. Choose for yourself the cooking option that will provide the lowest calorie content of borscht. Nutritionists also recommend eating slightly warm borscht, which naturally reduces the number of calories in borscht by 10-20 indicators.
How to reduce the calorie content of borscht?
It is very easy to reduce the calorie content of borscht, knowing about the various options for its preparation. Naturally, the first dish boiled in water will be the most dietary. The highest calorie content is borscht cooked on pork or bone. The middle position in this matter is occupied by a fragrant delicacy cooked in beef or chicken broth.
Studying the recipes of the classic Ukrainian borscht, you are unlikely to find at least one that would exclude preliminary frying of vegetables. In addition, fresh homemade sour cream will help make borscht really tasty. Knowing about all these subtleties of cooking, it is not difficult to guess that they also significantly increase the calorie content of borscht.
Adherents of proper nutrition are advised not to sauté onions, carrots and beets in fat or vegetable oil. Throw these vegetables straight into a pot of boiling water or light broth, and you will forever forget about the unpleasant feeling of heaviness even after 3 ladles of borscht. Do not forget that there is also such a healthy product as beans, which are excellent substitutes for potatoes. As for sour cream, if you cannot do without it, replace heavy cream with a non-fat version, which will not affect the taste of the finished dish in any way.
Do not deny yourself the pleasure of eating a plate of red or green borscht at least several times a week. Moreover, knowing how many calories are in borscht, you will not only get a real taste pleasure, but also leave your figure in its former wonderful shape.
Borscht recipe

To prepare borscht, you will need broth, beets, carrots, onions, potatoes, cabbage, tomato paste and herbs. The first step is to bring the broth to a boil and put raw beets, previously cut into large slices, into it. After boiling it for 15 minutes, start adding boiled meat and all vegetables necessary for borscht to the liquid.
After the potatoes and cabbage are completely cooked, put the pan on another burner and remove the beets from the borscht. After the vegetable has completely cooled down, rub it on a fine grater and put it back in the pan with the finished first course. This method of cooking beets will preserve all of its beneficial properties and vitamins necessary for the human body.
Completely finished borscht should not be boiled. The only thing that may be required to give it a brighter taste is an extra pinch of salt.
Having prepared the first dish according to this recipe, you will see a bright red color on the plate and feel a rich taste, which will ultimately bring joy and will not upset the high-calorie borscht.
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