Penis - Redness, Disease, Structure

Penis - Redness, Disease, Structure
Penis - Redness, Disease, Structure


Male penis
Male penis

The penis (phallus, penis) is an external male genital organ, the main purpose of which is sexual intercourse, carrying sperm (ejaculate) into the female vagina, as well as removing urine from the bladder.

Penile structure

At the initial stage of embryonic development, the penis and scrotum look like an open niche. A groove forms at the lower edges, after which the edges close and grow together. On the lower surface of the phallus, traces of this groove can be observed in the form of a suture extending through the scrotum. The seam can be almost invisible or, conversely, very noticeable. Some men notice this seam as early as adulthood.

There are base (root), trunk (body) and glans. The phallus trunk is formed by spongy and cavernous bodies, which contain many depressions that are easily filled with blood. The cavernous bodies are located along the edges of the phallus, and the corpus spongiosum is located below, in the groove between the cavernous ones, along with the urethra (urethra).

At the end of the penis, the spongy body turns into a cone-shaped thickening - the glans penis. Its edge covers the ends of the cavernous bodies and fuses with them, forming a thickening around the circumference (corolla), behind which is the coronal groove.

The head of the phallus is covered with delicate and thin skin (foreskin), which contains many glands that produce smegma.

Like the body of the penis, the head of the penis contains a large number of indentations that fill with blood upon sexual arousal. It also has many nerve endings, so it is extremely sensitive to touch. The shaft of the penis also has a high sensitivity, especially in the lower zone, about 2-3 cm from the head. Stimulation of the phalos, especially the head, leads to increased erection.

At the top of the head, you can see an opening - this is the exit of the urethra. Through this hole, semen ejection and urination are carried out. The opening of the urethra is a vertical slit framed by sponges. The urethra has many tubules that open in the opposite direction from the flow of urine. This very "hygienic" and simple solution allows urine to leave the urethra not in a large splashing stream, but in a swirling arcuate stream.

The frenulum of the foreskin, or the frenulum of the penis, is a skin longitudinal elastic fold on the lower surface of the phallus. It is formed as a result of the fusion of the foreskin. It is with the help of the bridle that the foreskin of the penis and its head are connected.

The main function of the penile frenum is to return the foreskin to the head of the penis after it is exposed. Normally, the bridle does its job well, since by nature it is very elastic and capable of being significantly stretched. However, it happens that the frenum is characterized by "shortening", then it is called a short frenum of the penis.

Skin manifestations of diseases of the penis

Penile structure
Penile structure

Sexually transmitted diseases pose a serious danger, since the infection, once it enters the body, tends to "move" from one organ to another. For example, it can move from the penis to the prostate gland or testicles. Sexually transmitted diseases include phimosis, balanoposthitis, balanitis, cavernitis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, candidiasis and others.

Often external symptoms, such as redness of the penis or spots on the penis, indicate the presence of infection in the body.

By itself, redness of the penis does not necessarily indicate an infection. It can also signal poor hygiene or allergies.

If redness is accompanied by burning and pain, rashes and discharge, or spots appear on the penis, then urgent diagnosis of infectious diseases is necessary.

Itching, pain, and burning in the genitals can be caused by infections of the penis. Sores and erosion on the phallus also indicate the presence of the disease.

If a man is worried about inflammation of the inner layer of the foreskin and irritation of the head of the penis, then most likely he has balanoposthitis. This disease usually occurs as a result of fungal infections of the penis.

An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor on the basis of appropriate tests.

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