Spasmophilia is a disease closely related to rickets, manifested in the form of a tendency to spastic states, which is most often observed in children 2-18 months of age.
As a rule, full-term and breastfed babies rarely suffer from spasmophilia. The disease is most often affected by premature babies with signs of rickets.
Thanks to the existing methods of preventing rickets, spasmophilia today, especially in severe forms, is quite rare.
Reasons for the development of spasmophilia
The reasons for the development of spasmophilia in children is the accumulation of vitamin D, which occurs with the use of high doses of this vitamin, as well as in early spring, when its excessive formation occurs in the skin.
Increased doses of vitamin D in active forms contribute to a decrease in the function of the parathyroid glands, which in turn stimulates the absorption of salts of some trace elements (especially calcium and phosphorus) in the intestine and their reabsorption (reabsorption) in the renal tubules. This causes the development of alkalosis, and also due to hypocalcemia (a decrease in the concentration of calcium in the blood) calcium is deposited in excess in the bones. As a result, there is an increase in neuromuscular excitability, leading to seizures.
Symptoms of spasmophilia
Spasmophilia manifests itself in both latent and explicit forms.
The latent form of spasmophilia in children is usually quite difficult to determine, since with this form of the disease, their psychomotor and physical development is normal, although symptoms of rickets are observed.
The most typical manifestations of the latent form of the course of spasmophilia are the symptoms of Lust, Khvostek, Erb, Trousseau and Maslov. The latent form of the disease can occur due to the influence of such provoking factors as fright, vomiting, crying, while sometimes it turns into an explicit form of the disease.
The main types of manifestation of overt spasmophilia in children are laryngospasm, carpopedal spasm, eclampsia, and their combination is also possible.
Laryngospasm (otherwise - "parent") is the most common manifestation of the disease. A symptom of spasmophilia is an acute, rather sudden narrowing of the glottis, which is observed with fright or crying, and is most often characterized by the closure of the glottis (partial or complete).
Against the background of laryngospasm, a sonorous, hoarse breath appears ("cock crow") simultaneously with cyanosis, a frightened facial expression and cold sweat. With sharply manifested symptoms of spasmophilia, a complete cessation of breathing (up to 2 seconds) may occur, leading to loss of consciousness. As a rule, at the end of the attack, a resonant deep breath is observed with a gradual restoration of breathing.
In severe cases, attacks of laryngospasm can be repeated up to several times a day, and with prolonged respiratory arrest, a lethal outcome is possible.
Carpopedic spasm is less common in children. It manifests itself in the form of tonic convulsions of the face, hands and feet. This form of spasmophilia in children is determined by its characteristic appearance - the hands are lowered down, the arms are bent at the elbows, the shoulders are pressed to the body, the thumb is pressed to the palm, the knee and hip joints are bent. Depending on the course of spasmophilia, the spasm can last from 2-10 minutes to several hours. Against the background of prolonged spasm, swelling may occur on the back of the feet and hands, and due to the spasm of the orbicular muscles of the mouth, the so-called “fish mouth” sometimes occurs.
Eclampsia is one of the most dangerous forms of spasmophilia. It is most typical for children in the first year of life. With eclampsia, clonic-tonic convulsions with loss of consciousness are observed. At the beginning of the attack, a sharp blanching of the face appears, accompanied by numbness, with pronounced twitching of the facial muscles at the corner of the mouth or eye. After that, the limbs begin to twitch, breathing is disturbed, interrupted by very short breaths, which leads to the appearance of cyanosis. Loss of consciousness usually occurs after rigidity develops.
In many cases, the seizures develop at night while the baby is asleep. Eclampsia usually lasts no more than half a minute. At this time, the heart and breathing may stop.
Diagnosis and treatment of spasmophilia
If spasmophilia is suspected, children with signs of rickets are diagnosed under the age of two, usually in the spring. From laboratory tests, hypophosphatemia, hypocalcemia and metabolic alkalosis should be confirmed, and a critical level of decrease in blood calcium should be observed - below 1.75 mmol / l.

Treatment of spasmophilia includes drug relief of convulsive syndrome with drugs Relanium, seduxen, GABA, magnesium sulfate. To increase the level of calcium in the blood, a solution of 10% calcium gluconate is used. In addition, therapy is carried out to eliminate alkalosis (3-5% ammonium chloride solution).
In the future, the treatment of spasmophilia is carried out with the help of vitamin therapy and, after the restoration of the level of calcium in the blood, the appointment of vitamin D in therapeutic doses.
With an attack of laryngospasm, you should:
- Lay the child on a firm, level surface;
- Provide air access and unfasten clothing;
- Sprinkle cold water on the face and body, irritate the nasal mucosa with ammonia or another method, and administer calcium gluconate (intravenous) and relanium (intramuscular) therapy.
If the measures taken to stop an attack of spasmophilia do not help, tracheal intubation and chest compressions (in case of cardiac arrest) are performed.
Spasmophilia in adults
It is believed that spasmophilia does not develop in adults. However, there are a number of symptoms similar to the course of the disease that are common in adults and cannot be diagnosed and treated effectively. They are associated with voluntary cramps, especially when falling asleep, goosebumps, feeling cold and chilly.
Doctors in France are doing research on spasmophilia in adults. According to the data obtained, women with a lack of calcium in the body are most susceptible to this disease.
For the treatment of spasmophilia and relief of seizures, it is recommended to eat foods rich in calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Since in most cases the development of attacks of spasmophilia provokes stress and conflict situations, it is recommended to be able to control breathing and relax, which is facilitated by yoga and meditation.
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