Vertebrologist - Reviews, Consultations, Reception

Vertebrologist - Reviews, Consultations, Reception
Vertebrologist - Reviews, Consultations, Reception


Spine diseases are a serious medical and social problem. This is due not only to their wide distribution, but also to the fact that they most often affect people of the most working age. And in recent decades, they are increasingly being diagnosed in children. When symptoms of a disease of the spine appear, people seek help from a therapist, neurologist, orthopedist. And they are often surprised when they are sent for consultation to a vertebrologist, because few people know about these narrow specialists.

Vertebrologist - a doctor specializing in diseases of the spine
Vertebrologist - a doctor specializing in diseases of the spine

Vertebrology is one of the youngest areas of medical science. She is at the intersection of neurosurgery, orthopedics and neurology and studies the physiology and pathology of the spine.

A vertebrologist is a doctor who knows all the methods of modern diagnostics and treatment of various diseases of the spine. Unlike a neurologist or an orthopedist, he is an even more "narrow" specialist and specializes only in the spinal column.

Who needs a consultation with a vertebrologist?

If you are suffering from constant headaches, neck or back pain, then you should definitely make an appointment with a vertebrologist. In addition, people who have the following symptoms should immediately contact him:

  • Changes in the nature of back pain or an increase in its intensity, as well as the appearance of pain radiating (radiating) to the limbs or other organs;
  • The appearance of weakness in the limbs, disorders of skin sensitivity (paresthesias);
  • Dysfunction of the pelvic organs (involuntary urination, acute urinary retention, etc.).

Often, children and adolescents also complain of back pain and frequent headaches, the cause of which is most often the pathology of the spine. Therefore, the child should definitely be consulted with a pediatric vertebrologist, who will be able to timely identify a possible disease and prescribe the necessary treatment.

What does a vertebrologist treat?

People with the following diseases usually come to an appointment with a vertebrologist:

  • Degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spinal column, in particular osteochondrosis;
  • Herniated disc;
  • Spinal stenosis;
  • Tumors of the spinal cord and spine;
  • Spinal deformity;
  • Spinal fractures without or with damage to the substance of the spinal cord;
  • Spinal anomalies;
  • Consequences of spinal cord and spine injuries.

Treatment methods used in vertebrology

All methods of treatment of diseases of the spine are divided into operational and surgical. Currently, all surgical interventions for diseases of the spine are performed under local or general anesthesia. In this case, preference is given to minimally invasive techniques. Despite the fact that they are much more complicated than traditional surgical techniques, they have many advantages - they are less traumatic and easier to tolerate by patients. Therefore, when interested in reviews about the vertebrologist, do not forget to clarify whether the doctor knows the methods of endoscopic surgery and other minimally invasive interventions.

One of the modern methods of treating vertebral fractures is vertebroplasty. Its essence lies in the fact that the fracture site is, as it were, sealed with a special glue. The glue is injected into the affected vertebra through a puncture needle under ultrasound control. No incisions are made. Vertebroplasty is often performed on an outpatient basis. it does not require general anesthesia, the operation is not accompanied by bleeding, and the risk of complications is minimal.

Among the conservative methods of treatment in vertebrology, traction, massage, physiotherapy, and manual therapy are used. Unfortunately, in adult patients, these methods most often do not allow a complete cure of the disease. Therefore, they are used as a means of eliminating pain syndrome in cases where the operation cannot be performed for any reason. But in the practice of a pediatric vertebrologist, conservative methods play a major role, because with their help, it is possible not only to stop the further progression of the disease, but even to achieve a complete recovery of the child, naturally, provided that the treatment was started in a timely manner.

Manual therapy for diseases of the spine is used quite often. This method of treatment is highly effective. But only experienced doctors can perform it. Incorrectly performed manual therapy will not only be of no benefit, but can cause a deterioration in health. If you or your loved ones are advised this method of treatment, then do not hesitate to inquire about the qualifications of the doctor, whether he has the necessary diplomas and licenses, skills, ask for reviews about the vertebrologist and clinic, which in most cases can always be found on the Internet.

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