Brief description of the disease

Every person's spine has natural curves that help maintain an upright body position when exercising and walking. With the development of some pathologies, these bends become too strong. Deformities can have a direction either to the side - scoliosis, or back and forth - lordosis and kyphosis. In this article, we will talk about lordosis, that is, curvature of the cervical or lumbar spine with a forward bend.
Primary cervical and lumbar lordosis occurs as a result of various malformations, tumors and inflammation. Secondary lordosis is one of the complications of hip dislocations, ankylosis and other diseases.
Symptoms of lordosis
When the spine is deformed with a forward bend, the human figure acquires a characteristic appearance: the knee joints are unbent, the abdomen protrudes, while walking, the pelvis and body deviate posteriorly. In addition, both lumbar and cervical lordosis lead to pain in the affected spine, which are associated with improper load redistribution and muscle stretching. Patients often experience lowering of the abdominal organs and disruption of their normal functioning.
Treatment of lordosis
Primary lordosis of the spine is eliminated only with the help of surgical intervention and subsequent rehabilitation procedures - therapeutic exercises, physiotherapy, massage. In turn, the curvature resulting from other diseases is corrected by wearing a bandage, performing gymnastic exercises and special therapeutic massage. This is especially important for pregnant women who have significantly increased lumbar lordosis during gestation. This can lead to back discomfort and a general deterioration in well-being. Only a properly selected prenatal bandage and gymnastics can help with such a problem. The main function of the bandage and special reclinators is to prevent deformities and reliably fix problem areas of the spine.
Let us dwell on physiotherapy exercises in more detail. Both lordosis of the cervical region and curvature of the lumbar spine lead to limited activity and pain. Physiotherapy prevents the appearance of negative factors, contributes to the creation of a kind of corset on damaged areas. The only condition: exercises must be performed regularly, since only in this case can we talk about any positive dynamics.
Note that gymnastics with lordosis is done not only in hospitals and clinics, but also at home. For example, here is one of the simplest, but, at the same time, effective exercises. Lie on the floor and place your feet on a chair so that a right angle forms between your thighs and knee joints. After that, try to stick your left hand into the space between your lower back and the floor. There will definitely be a depression and our task is precisely to eliminate it. The closer the lumbar region approaches the floor, the better. To eliminate the cavity, you can also suck in the stomach and move the pelvis forward. The exercise is repeated 5-7 times. Home treatment for lordosis includes other exercises, such as:
- lie on your back and spread your arms to the sides, then raise your legs up, as if throwing them behind your head;
- make bends, reaching your shins with your hands;
- press against the wall and try to touch it with your lower back.

In general, we have given only the simplest elements of medical gymnastics. In fact, it is much more complicated, but it is better to discuss this issue with your attending physician, since only he decides on the intensity of the exercise and the nature of the training.
Well, a few more rules:
- gymnastics should be done not under compulsion, but at will;
- the feeling of fatigue after exercise is acceptable, but it should be pleasant. In no case should you drive yourself to complete exhaustion;
- learn to breathe properly through your nose. Many people hold their breath during exercise. It is not worth doing this, because this is how you disrupt the rhythm and impose additional stress on the respiratory system.
It is advisable to treat secondary lordosis of the spine after eliminating the causes that led to poor posture. If the doctor has prescribed you gymnastics and other procedures without a comprehensive examination of the body, then be prepared for the fact that the deformations will again declare themselves after a short period of time.
If the doctors make the correct diagnosis on time, and you responsibly approach the treatment of lumbar lordosis, then the disease will make minimal adjustments to the usual way of life. Otherwise, serious complications and problems await you, in which you will not be able to work, enjoy life, and be a full-fledged member of society.
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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!