Functional Capabilities Of Complexes For Remote Medical Examinations

Functional Capabilities Of Complexes For Remote Medical Examinations
Functional Capabilities Of Complexes For Remote Medical Examinations

Functionality and principle of operation of complexes for remote medical examinations

Complexes of pre-trip remote medical examinations are an innovative development that allows you to optimize the company's expenses for non-production items, as well as optimize its work. Biosoft is a leading manufacturer of remote pre-trip inspection systems in Russia. It offers industry-leading solutions that are already actively used in many areas of activity, including transportation and manufacturing.

Complexes of pre-trip remote medical examinations are an innovative development that allows you to optimize the company's expenses for non-production items, as well as optimize its work.

Biosoft is a leading manufacturer of remote pre-trip inspection systems in Russia. It offers industry-leading solutions that are already actively used in many areas of activity, including transportation and manufacturing.

Possibilities of complexes for remote medical examinations
Possibilities of complexes for remote medical examinations

What are the complexes of remote medical examinations capable of?

Equipment for remote medical examination is a software and hardware complex that combines various functional modules. These include:

  • Breathalyzer.
  • Heart rate monitor.
  • RFID card scanner.
  • Camera for audio and video broadcasting.
  • Compression cuff, etc.

Biosoft equipment provides the user with a wide range of options:

  • Collecting complaints about feeling unwell.
  • User identification by means of personal data or RFID cards.
  • Printing of documentation with all necessary stamps.
  • Data transfer to the doctor's PC or mobile device.
  • Formation of a conclusion or waybill for the driver.
  • Determination of the main physical indicators provided for by the pre-trip inspection law.
  • Data storage and provision of access to them 24/7/365.
  • Convenient data monitoring through a graphical interface on a tablet or smartphone.

All this together makes the equipment of the Biosoft company convenient, functional and practical. It is important to note that all the data and documents received are absolutely legitimate from the point of view of Russian legislation.

How do remote inspection complexes work?
How do remote inspection complexes work?

How do remote inspection complexes work?

The user's interaction with the equipment for remote inspection is built according to the following scheme:

  • The user is authorized in the system.
  • With the help of special sensors and devices, it takes all the necessary indicators.
  • The data is processed and transmitted to a medical specialist.
  • The doctor reviews the received data and decides on the readiness of the employee to work.
  • The employee receives a document confirming his readiness to work (it can be sent by e-mail or printed on a printer).

It is also worth noting that in parallel, the entire process is broadcast to the doctor by audio and video, which allows him to additionally carry out a visual examination of the patient.

On average, the entire procedure takes no more than 2-3 minutes and can be carried out regardless of the location of the medical specialist / employee. All data is stored in the database and can be accessed from any mobile device connected to the Internet.

Complexes of remote medical examinations from the Biosoft company
Complexes of remote medical examinations from the Biosoft company

Biosoft solutions

At the moment, the Biosoft product line includes 3 different complexes for conducting remote medical examinations:

  • PAK "STRAZH". A compact device that works in conjunction with a third-party digital carrier (smartphone). The throughput is up to 30 inspections per day.
  • PAK "KODOS". Complete station with built-in display and pre-installed software. The throughput is up to 300 inspections per day.
  • PAK "Kodos-A". Vandal-proof station with built-in RFID card reader. The throughput is up to 300 inspections per day.

Also the company "Biosoft" offers services for warranty and post-warranty repair and maintenance of devices.

You can get more detailed information about products and services by calling 8 (495) 149-87-77 or by writing to the company's e-mail. This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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