Self-service Spa Hand Care: 3 Main Steps

Self-service Spa Hand Care: 3 Main Steps
Self-service Spa Hand Care: 3 Main Steps

Self-service spa hand care: 3 main steps

The skin of the hands reacts sharply to aggressive environmental factors. It is affected by malfunctions in the body, fatigue and even mood swings. It is the human hands that are among the first to signal that the body is beginning to age. The fact is that the integuments of the hands contain almost no protective fatty tissue. This means that the mechanisms of humidification and restoration in these zones are practically not functioning. But there are many sweat glands on the hands, and the skin quickly loses moisture.

Fortunately, you can get your hands on regular spa treatments without the extra effort and expense.

Stages of hand skin care at home
Stages of hand skin care at home


Fight fatigue

To relieve fatigue, experts recommend carrying out the following set of procedures at least 2 times a week:

  1. Bath. Add 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 3 drops of menthol oil and the same amount of rosemary oil to warm water. Steam the hands for about 7 minutes.
  2. Peeling. Mix 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil (preferably coconut oil) with the same amount of finely ground sea salt. Add 1 drop of tea tree oil. Apply the product to the hands and massage it into the skin, starting from the wrist area towards the fingertips. Wash off with cool water.
  3. Mask. Grind 1 apple with the peel on a fine grater. Add 1 teaspoon of softened medical petroleum jelly, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 1 drop of menthol oil. Stir the product and apply a thick layer on the hands. After 10 minutes, wash off with warm water and treat the skin with a moisturizer.

Cleansing and toning

This option is especially relevant when you have to deal with severely dirty hands when special cosmetics are temporarily unavailable (for example, you need to put your hands in order after working in the country or hunting mushrooms). In such a situation, you can do:

  1. Bath. Add 3 drops of grapefruit essential oil, juice of 1 fresh lemon and a small pinch of cinnamon and baking soda to a container with warm water. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and immerse your hands in the solution for 5-7 minutes.
  2. Peeling. Mix 1/2 cup granulated sugar, 1 teaspoon finely chopped fresh ginger root, grated orange zest and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Apply the resulting gruel to the back of the hands and rub it into the skin with gentle massage movements (you can use a soft brush). After a few minutes, wash off with warm water.
  3. The mask. Combine a pinch of ground red pepper with 1 teaspoon of sesame oil and chopped pulp of 1 orange. Apply the mixture on the skin of the hands for 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water and lubricate the surface with almond oil.

Hydration and nutrition

If your hands have been exposed to frost, dry heat, strong wind, or salt water for a long time, the following procedures will help your skin:

  1. Bath. Mix 2 cups of milk with the same volume of water and heat slightly. Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and a pinch of cinnamon. We immerse our hands in a container with the product for 10 minutes.
  2. Peeling. We prepare a massage mixture from 1 tablespoon of rose water, the same amount of any vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of baking soda. Apply on hands, rubbing lightly for a few minutes. Wash off with warm water.
  3. Mask. Combine the yolk of 1 egg with 1 teaspoon of honey. Add 1 tablespoon each of coconut oil and jojoba oil, mix thoroughly. Apply on hands for 10 minutes, rinse and treat the skin with grape seed oil.

For spa hand care, you don't have to wait for an emergency. It makes sense to alternate these complexes of procedures, implementing one of the complexes every 3-4 days.

The skin of the hands needs constant protection. To avoid its rapid aging, you must:

  • always wash hands with moderate temperature water;
  • dry your hands thoroughly after washing;
  • do not go outside with wet hands;
  • in case of cold weather or strong wind, wear gloves, preferably made of natural material;
  • do housework with thick rubber gloves. All household chemicals contain substances that negatively affect the skin;
  • regularly treat your hands with a high-quality moisturizer. It is best to keep individual packages of such products in a bag, as well as near the sink at home and at work;
  • include in your daily diet foods rich in vitamins A, C and E. They maintain skin tone and prevent the appearance of age spots on it;
  • drink enough water.

The surface of the back of the hands is very delicate and thin. It is easily injured and dries up. Unlike the skin around the eyes, which has similar qualities, the skin of the hands cannot be restored using hardware cosmetology or plastic surgery. Regular care will help keep your hands looking young and healthy.

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Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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