Soul Mirror: Treatments For A Youthful Look

Soul Mirror: Treatments For A Youthful Look
Soul Mirror: Treatments For A Youthful Look

Soul mirror: treatments for a youthful look

The eyes are one of the most vulnerable areas on the face, so age-related changes concern them first of all. How can you preserve a youthful look for many years, what procedures do cosmetologists offer for this? Or maybe the only option for rejuvenation is surgery - blepharoplasty? Let's try to figure it out.

Botulinum toxin as a means of fighting wrinkles
Botulinum toxin as a means of fighting wrinkles


Depending on age and anatomical features, the following problems of the skin around the eyes can be distinguished:

  • wrinkles of varying severity, low skin elasticity;
  • increased pigmentation;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • bags and swelling;
  • nasolacrimal groove.

Sometimes only one of these problems is present, sometimes several at once. If you do not want to seek help from plastic surgeons, then you can start with some salon procedures designed to improve the condition of the skin around the eyes.

Get rid of wrinkles with botulinum toxin

The most effective way to remove small age wrinkles is injections of botulinum toxin - "Botox" or "Dysport". The effect of the procedure lasts for several months, and sometimes up to a year. The result is noticeable within a week or two after injections.

The eye area requires extremely delicate handling, therefore, only a qualified specialist should carry out the selection of points for injections and the procedure itself. If the patient has a tendency to edema, it is recommended to undergo a course of lymphatic drainage or mesotherapy before administering the drug.


The procedure is carried out using microneedles through which small doses of specially selected preparations (including homeopathic ones) are injected. Many women are afraid of injections, so they are scared: will it hurt? No, mesotherapy is painless.

The “cocktail” of preparations is made up for the patient individually and is designed to solve specific problems. Cell growth, collagen and elastin synthesis in the skin are stimulated, which means that an intensive regeneration process takes place.

But the puncture marks (red dots) will be visible within a few days. To achieve a lasting effect, it is usually recommended to perform the procedure several times, at a certain time interval.

Peeling and biorevitalization

For chemical peeling of the skin around the eyes, special preparations based on lactic and trichloroacetic acid are used. Such peels have a pronounced depigmenting effect. The skin around the eyes lightens, its slight peeling occurs (as with any peeling) due to the removal of keratinized particles of the epidermis. As a result, swellings, irregularities and fine wrinkles disappear under the eyes, pigmented areas are lightened, the look becomes noticeably brighter.

A week after chemical peeling, biorevitalization is performed - a procedure for intensive moisturizing of the skin around the eyes. It is performed in the following way: a preparation based on hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin. The acid saturates the epidermis, replenishing the moisture reserves in the skin, increasing its elasticity and firmness. Depending on the age of the patient and the severity of the problem, one to five such procedures may be required.

RF lifting

Thermolifting (radio frequency lifting) is another very effective modern procedure for rejuvenating the eye area, and at any age. Its principle of action is the use of radio frequency radiation to stimulate the intercellular membranes of the skin, increase the production of collagen and elastin. The condition of the skin around the eyes improves, fine wrinkles disappear, but the main thing is that thermolifting perfectly helps with bags under the eyes. The swelling becomes less pronounced.

The thermolifting procedure is completely painless, and because of its high efficiency, it is often called non-surgical blepharoplasty. It can be carried out “on the job” - there will be no redness on the skin after the procedure. The complex usually includes 5-7 procedures at intervals of a week.

Thermolifting in the fight against wrinkles
Thermolifting in the fight against wrinkles


We solve problems radically: blepharoplasty

It is generally accepted that blepharoplasty is performed only in adulthood. Indeed, surgeons recommend to do cosmetic procedures for up to 40 years. But some problems - for example, fatty hernias under the eyes - can appear at absolutely any age, and if they complicate a person's life, why not eliminate the defect by contacting the wizards of plastic surgery? With the help of blepharoplasty, you can even change the shape of the eyes - but cosmetic procedures, of course, cannot be achieved.

The main question that worries all patients is how visible the stitches will be after the operation? Postoperative sutures are absolutely invisible: for upper eyelid surgery, an incision is made along the natural fold line, for lower eyelid surgery, under the lower edge of the eyelashes. With transconjunctival blepharoplasty, the formation of postoperative scars does not occur at all. Fatty hernias are removed through tiny incisions in the conjunctiva of the eye. This method is used to correct small defects in the lower eyelids.

The duration of the operation is from one hour, it is carried out under both general and local anesthesia, depending on the goals and volumes of the surgical intervention.

It should be borne in mind that there are a number of contraindications for blepharoplasty, including hypertension, cancer, diabetes mellitus and high myopia. Therefore, before the operation, the patient must undergo appropriate examinations.

There is always a way out

There are various ways of preserving and returning a youthful look, so it is worth taking advantage of the achievements of modern medicine and cosmetology, if you feel the need for it. The most important thing is to choose the right clinic or beauty salon. Do not hesitate to ask the questions you are interested in - specialists will always be able (and should) answer them.

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Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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