Leg Health With A Sedentary Lifestyle

Leg Health With A Sedentary Lifestyle
Leg Health With A Sedentary Lifestyle

Leg health with a sedentary lifestyle

In the modern world, technologies are actively developing that should make human life easier and better. Now, to see and chat with friends, you don't even have to get off the couch! Robot vacuum cleaners, dishwashers, computers, washing machines, multicooker - all this removes a lot of responsibilities from us and frees up precious time. In addition, the service sector is not lagging behind: cleaning companies and delivery of food and any other goods also make our life much easier. But is there a downside to this progress and how is it dangerous for our health?

Sedentary lifestyle: impact on health
Sedentary lifestyle: impact on health

Of course, all of the above helps us to live better, but on the other hand, our physical activity with all technologies is reduced to a minimum.

A sedentary lifestyle is one of the most ambitious problems of our time. For us, this always seems like something unremarkable and doctor's advice about physical activity often goes unheard. Until we notice the problem, it causes serious harm to our health. Especially this issue concerns professions where people need to spend their working day in a standing or sitting position. Most people sit for more than 10 hours a day. This time includes not only work, but also a trip by transport, watching TV or sitting at a computer. All this is fraught with osteochondrosis, obesity, headaches, fatigue and even varicose veins.

Prevention of varicose veins
Prevention of varicose veins

Varicose veins in the modern world is not a disease, but our way of life. With constant physical activity, our muscles work and move blood to the heart. For all the time that we spend in a sitting position, there is stagnation and clogging of the valves. And, of course, as a consequence, the first symptoms of varicose veins: swelling, heaviness in the legs, fatigue and the appearance of a vascular network or "stars".

How to avoid all these troubles and prevent the development of the disease?

  • First, your lifestyle should be as active as possible - do not be lazy to walk once again. Cycling, gymnastics, and swimming pools will have a positive impact on your health. Housework is also a physical activity;
  • Choose comfortable clothes and shoes;
  • Do not sit too long. Try to get up and walk at least every hour, or do a little exercise, it will take literally five minutes;
  • Try to sit straight in your workplace, do not slouch or bend your legs under you!
  • Monitor your diet. Diet should be balanced, to prevent constipation, choose foods rich in fiber. Drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day;
  • Take a contrast shower. The alternation of warm and cold water has a tonic effect on the vascular system, strengthens the walls of the veins, improves blood flow;
  • Dry brush massage. With care, there are contraindications. Rub your thigh, smoothly move from the lower leg to the buttocks from the bottom up to disperse the lymph, massage the feet. Apply light tingling to improve circulation.

In some cases, in addition to observing all the rules, drug treatment is also required. For effective treatment, specialists prescribe drugs that increase the tone of the veins and reduce venous congestion, improving microcirculation and lymph drainage. One of these drugs is the new Russian venotonic agent Angiorus. Tablets with venotonic action reduce the permeability, fragility of capillaries and increase their resistance. One of the advantages of Angiorus is the content of Diosmin and Hesperidin in the tablets. Why is this so important? The effectiveness of these components is due to the positive effect on the vascular walls. Thanks to these substances, our capillaries are able to maintain their integrity even under the condition of mechanical action on them.

Benefits of Angiorus for venous insufficiency:

  • venous pressure decreases;
  • there are stagnant processes in the veins;
  • damaged vascular tissues are restored;
  • the elasticity of blood vessels becomes higher;
  • fragility of capillaries decreases;
  • the activity of the lymphatic system improves.

Compliance with simple recommendations and timely treatment will help you avoid serious health problems. Do not put off your health for later, varicose veins are not a disease, but a way of life!

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