Buckle Syndrome: The Specifics Of The Problem And 4 Ways To Solve It

Buckle Syndrome: The Specifics Of The Problem And 4 Ways To Solve It
Buckle Syndrome: The Specifics Of The Problem And 4 Ways To Solve It

Buckle syndrome: the specifics of the problem and 4 ways to solve it

The name of the disease accurately reflects the cause of the problem: it lies in the pressure of the bra clasp on a certain area of the back. In this case, one of the vertebrae of the thoracic spine seems to be blocked and loses mobility, and the load on it is distributed to the adjacent vertebrae. As a result, 70-80% of women experience local pain at the point of the spine, which is pressed by the clasp of the most frequently worn bra. Such patients complain of discomfort in the chest, interscapular and other areas of the back, lower back, neck, shoulders and even internal organs. In fact, these are pains of varying intensity reflected from the affected point of the spine.

Fortunately, there are ways to reduce the severity of buckling syndrome and even get rid of the problem completely.

Buckle syndrome: causes and specifics of the problem
Buckle syndrome: causes and specifics of the problem

Source: depositphotos.com

Choosing the right bra

A woman should always remember this, because wearing the wrong bra can cause serious harm to her health. Lingerie should be selected not only in size but also in shape. Don't be tempted by overly revealing fashion models or bras that make you feel uncomfortable. The anatomical shape of the breast of each woman is individual, and it corresponds to underwear of a certain cut.

Bra size is also very important. Some of the fair sex specifically purchase tight underwear in order to lift their breasts more. The consequences of such a mistake may not be limited to the inconvenience of wearing, the feeling of suffocation, and buckling syndrome. Compressing the breast is very dangerous: prolonged circulatory disorders are fraught with the development of tumor processes in the mammary glands.

Of course, bras made from natural fabrics are preferred for everyday wear. But the shape and material of the clasp do not really matter: the soft elastic band with hooks and loops presses on the spine just like a hard plastic clasp.

Wearing mode

To avoid the development of buckle syndrome, experts advise women to have bras of several styles in their wardrobe, the buckles of which fall on different points of the spine, and wear them alternately.

It is very important to give your body a rest from dragging clothes as often as possible. If a woman is unable to remove her bra during the day, she should periodically unbutton it for a few minutes.

You cannot sleep in a bra: the body must rest at night.

Gymnastics and physical activity

There are sets of exercises that help to normalize the mobility of individual segments of the spine. In addition, swimming, dancing, yoga, Pilates, as well as training in the gym with an individually selected load, have a positive effect on the condition of patients with buckling syndrome.

If the work is associated with a long stay in the same position, it is important to periodically arrange warm-ups: change body position, stretch, throw your hands behind your head, bend and unbend the spine.

Buckle Syndrome: Solutions
Buckle Syndrome: Solutions

Source: depositphotos.com

Help from specialists

For a woman suffering from buckle syndrome, periodic courses of therapeutic massage are recommended. It must be done by a medical specialist as directed by a doctor. Self-activity in this area is unacceptable: a massage therapist who does not have sufficient experience and proper qualifications can aggravate the problem and cause significant harm to the patient's health.

The likelihood of buckling syndrome directly depends on two factors: the woman's lifestyle and the size of her bust. Ladies with large breasts are at risk along with those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Excess weight increases the risk of developing pathology.

To stay young and active as long as possible, you need to monitor your health. It is important to choose wardrobe items correctly and wear them correctly, as well as try to lead a healthy lifestyle. If signs of buckle syndrome appear, you should consult a doctor and find out the exact cause of the ailment, because sometimes other diseases can manifest themselves in a similar way.

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Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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