About Jealousy, About Children, About Love

About Jealousy, About Children, About Love
About Jealousy, About Children, About Love

About jealousy, about children, about love

Misunderstandings, disagreements, maiden name … Women's jealousy is a mystery for psychologists. Scientists today are not fully aware of all the mechanisms that give rise to this strong and destructive emotion. But one of the accurate diagnoses is that inflammation of the prostate gland, or, in other words, prostatitis in men leads to jealousy in women. And here the advice is simple: to avoid family quarrels, you need to diagnose the disease in time and not try to hide it from your friend.

The main reasons for female jealousy
The main reasons for female jealousy

Pride and Prejudice

The pattern of occurrence of family problems in patients with prostatitis is so simple and traditional that it can be called classic. The man does not pay attention to any symptoms of the disease, or, instead of thinking about them, postpones treatment for later. Or just too lazy to go to the doctor. Or trite he is afraid to tell his wife about his doubts.

Severity, inconvenience caused by inflammation of the prostate, difficulty urinating, pain with intimacy - all these signs of prostatitis disappear and appear. They can be explained by the influence of a draft, or - "overdone while fishing", got nervous, tired … But the symptoms do not disappear anywhere, they remind of themselves every day, turn into a routine, and imperceptibly become the norm. The man stops noticing that they are returning.

And a woman, feeling that something was wrong, takes all these strange behavior for a loss of interest. Moreover, one of the most unpleasant symptoms of prostatitis is a decrease in sexual desire. Further - thoughts of coldness, treason, jealousy, quarrels, distrust, maiden name …

Is it difficult to imagine such a situation? Then you can conduct a simple experiment. Prostatitis disarms a man, and if you want to see a strong, courageous person defenseless, in an extreme degree of embarrassment, ask him - does he know anything about prostatitis. The most common "male" answer is "Why do I need this?"

Any psychologist will say that this is how a latent desire to appear innocent, to distance oneself, to drive away even thoughts of an unpleasant disease is manifested. This unconscious fear of such a delicate male problem is easily explainable and even natural. It is no coincidence that the prostate is called the second heart of a man. The normal functioning of the entire psychological structure of the stronger sex depends on it.

Insidious symptoms

Another feature of prostatitis - it is, do not take it as a pun, a double-edged sword. It can be caused by both physical causes and infectious ones. That is, prostatitis can be not only "earned" but also "caught". However, most often it is physical factors that provoke inflammation of the prostate. And there are quite a few of them. Hypothermia, low physical activity, sedentary work, long sexual abstinence or, conversely, promiscuous relationships, alcohol addiction, decreased immunity …

And here it is easy to estimate what the risk of getting prostatitis is. High. How much? Statistics give a tough answer: even in prosperous countries, this is one of the most common diseases. In Russia, eight out of ten adult men suffer from it. In the United States, he is in first place in the number of primary visits to a doctor. In other words, even if you take care of your prostate like a crystal vase, there can be no 100% certainty that you are healthy.

Therefore, the main weapon against prostatitis is prevention. And here is one piece of advice - see your doctor regularly to check yourself. It is necessary to be examined by a urologist, but if there are side problems associated with erectile dysfunction or reproductive function (infertility), then it is necessary to consult an andrologist.

In the case of prostatitis, this is not an empty formality. It often occurs in a latent form. Sleep and appetite disorders, decreased performance, hot temper, conflict, gloominess, sometimes weakness and tearfulness - all this can be one of the manifestations of inflammation of the prostate gland. Not to mention sexual dysfunctions or, for example, decreased sperm motility. These symptoms are often not even felt. But they can be a significant factor for families dreaming of a child. The situation when spouses try but cannot conceive is very painful for both spouses.

Prostatitis is a common cause of female jealousy
Prostatitis is a common cause of female jealousy

Restoration of the "second heart" of a man

To avoid fear and unjustified feelings, it is important to know not only about how prostatitis manifests itself, or how to protect yourself from it. You need to know that this disease is curable. Science knows many practices for treating an inflamed prostate - from medication to surgical.

Preparations for prostatitis based on peptides, for example, "Prostatilen", have a complex effect - they improve microcirculation, relieve edema and venous congestion, remove inflammation, restore the tissue and functions of the prostate gland. As a result, in the very first days of treatment, pain and discomfort disappear, the mode and nature of urination are normalized, libido increases, erection improves, and the quality of orgasm increases. The drug is available in two types - rectal suppositories and ampoules for injections. Each organism is individual, and the doctor prescribes the form of the medicine, based on the characteristics of the patient. In acute and especially advanced cases, experts recommend using candles. With their help, the effect of treatment occurs as quickly as possible, since the medicine is injected into the body in the immediate vicinity of the inflammation focus.

"Prostatilen" has been used in medical practice for over 20 years, both for the treatment and prevention of prostatitis. The effectiveness of this drug has been confirmed by numerous clinical trials. Don't waste precious time on illness. The combination of physical activity, proper nutrition and an effective drug significantly reduces the risk of disease and the development of exacerbations. Remember, prevention of prostatitis is a must for every adult of the stronger sex. It is as much part of body culture as brushing your teeth in the morning and evening. And who said that being a man is easy?

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