Can Prostatitis Be Cured?

Can Prostatitis Be Cured?
Can Prostatitis Be Cured?

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Can prostatitis be cured?

This question worries many men: after all, according to statistics in economically developed countries, chronic inflammation of the prostate gland occurs in 80-90% of men aged 27 to 45 years.

This disease is not fatal, but very, very unpleasant. What are the symptoms of prostatitis? First, there are urination disorders. The man is simply "tied" to the toilet. He experiences pain and burning sensation, frequent and intolerable urge, difficulty urinating, a feeling that the bladder is not completely emptied. Pains in the perineum, groin, lower back are also possible. Well, the second point that scares men especially is the problem with sex. Painful sensations during intercourse, especially during ejaculation, and as a result, a decrease in sexual desire, deterioration of erection - all this can, if not destroy, then in many ways complicate family life or relationships with a beloved woman. The man's self-esteem also suffers greatly: he feels inferior, experiences constant anxiety, stress, depression.

The reasons for the development of prostatitis
The reasons for the development of prostatitis

There are several reasons for the development of prostatitis. It can be infection, congestion in the organs of the genitourinary system, hypothermia, untimely emptying of the bladder, irregular sex life, prolonged abstinence from sex, "sedentary" lifestyle, hormonal disorders, alcohol and smoking.

Prostatitis can be acute or chronic. The disease often begins as acute inflammation. Not fully cured, it constantly relapses and becomes chronic over time. And this is already dangerous with complications such as orchitis (inflammation of the testicle), vesiculitis (inflammation of the seminal vesicles), epididymitis (inflammation of the epididymis). The most formidable consequences of prostatitis in the absence of treatment are adenoma and cancer of the prostate gland, and the most sad consequence of an untreated disease that has turned into a chronic form is infertility.

Unfortunately, most men come to the doctor with chronic prostatitis, and it is very difficult or impossible to cure it. According to statistics, only less than 30% of patients turn to a specialist and begin treatment at an early stage, and even in these cases, not everyone fully recovers. Well, with chronic prostatitis, we are usually talking about achieving a long-term remission - a period without exacerbations.

That is why, at the first signs of prostatitis, it is necessary to contact a urologist and undergo the treatment that he prescribes.

Everyone knows that inflammatory processes are suppressed by antibacterial drugs, but in the case of prostatitis, antibiotics alone are indispensable. Moreover, they may be ineffective if the disease is not caused by bacteria.

Today, effective drugs have been developed for prostatitis, which help with all forms of the disease: acute and chronic, bacterial and non-bacterial. They contain a complex of peptides isolated from bovine prostate tissue.

Peptides are biologically active substances that are obtained from tissues and organs of animals (spleen, thymus, pineal gland, gastrointestinal tract, brain, etc.). Back in the 70s of the last century, scientists from the Military Medical Academy. CM. Kirov conducted studies that showed that when peptides are introduced into the human body, the functions of organs and tissues that have been impaired due to illness or aging are restored. That is, peptides physiologically correct the functions of the body and, due to this, can be successfully used for the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

How to cure prostatitis?
How to cure prostatitis?

Modern remedies for prostatitis contain peptides, amino acids and zinc. These components have a complementary effect on pathological processes in the prostate gland, urinary bladder, restore sexual and reproductive functions. These, as doctors say, are drugs with proven effectiveness. That is, they were tested on patients and in most cases showed good results. These drugs have a complex effect: they restore the tissue and functions of the prostate gland, increase the production of the male hormone testosterone, remove inflammation, relieve edema and venous congestion, increase circulation, and strengthen the immune system. As a result, in the very first days of treatment, pain and discomfort disappear, the regime and nature of urination are normalized, sexual desire increases, erection improves, and the quality of orgasm increases.

And of course, do not forget about the lifestyle. Give up bad habits, including lying on the couch in front of the TV, go in for sports or walk at least an hour every day, exclude spicy and fatty foods, smoked meats from your menu, try to avoid stress as much as possible, have sex regularly.

Modern medicines, for example, Prostatilen suppositories, plus a healthy lifestyle will help you forget about such an unpleasant disease as prostatitis forever.

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