Increased eye pressure: signs in adults and children
The content of the article:
- Symptoms of increased eye pressure in adults and children
- How to tell if your eye pressure is high
- Increased intraocular pressure: causes
- Normalization of eye pressure
- Video
Signs of eye pressure, indicating an increase in it, serve as a reason for immediate seeking medical help - this will significantly increase the chances of timely detection of a serious pathology, fraught with loss of vision.
What is intraocular pressure (IOP)? This is the pressure of the fluid inside the eye. The norm of intraocular pressure in children and adults (both men and women) does not differ, however, the indicator may fluctuate throughout the day. However, these fluctuations usually do not exceed 3 mm Hg. Art. In addition, IOP slightly increases with age, which is also not a deviation.

The main symptom of increased eye pressure is eye pain
What does the excess of the intraocular pressure norm show? If this condition is short-lived, then there is usually no cause for concern. But constantly elevated IOP may indicate glaucoma. Why is glaucoma dangerous? In the absence of treatment, it can lead to a complete loss of vision, which is why, if an increase in IOP is suspected, a visit to an ophthalmologist is necessary.
Let's talk about how increased pressure inside the eye manifests itself, as well as how to prevent the development of complications.
Symptoms of increased eye pressure in adults and children
Signs depend on the degree of increase in IOP. Even if the intraocular pressure is increased, symptoms in some cases may be absent until the excess becomes significant.
With a significant deviation of the indicator from the norm, a headache appears in the forehead, temples, eyebrows, pain in the eyes, which intensifies with their movements, a feeling of sand in the eyes, redness, discomfort, distention, rapid eye fatigue, flashing of flies or rainbow circles before the eyes when the patient looks at the light source. The condition usually gets worse during respiratory illness. High IOP can be manifested by increased photosensitivity, decreased twilight and / or worsening of lateral vision, dizziness.
Signs of eye pressure in adults (its increase) do not differ from those in children, but small children often cannot accurately describe their condition. High IOP is manifested in them by moodiness, mood swings, fatigue, and redness of the eyes. Sometimes parents notice that the child often rubs his eyes.
Prolonged increased IOP leads to compression of the optic nerve, resulting in impaired vision - often this is the only sign of pathology in both children and adults.
How to tell if your eye pressure is high
An experienced ophthalmologist can determine that the eye pressure is higher than normal by palpating the eyeballs through the eyelids. For accurate measurement, several methods are used, however, it must be borne in mind that normal IOP values vary depending on the method used, therefore, in order to track the process in dynamics, it is necessary to measure in the same way.
The most common method for measuring IOP is non-contact tonometry, in which a stream of air is applied to the human eye. In this case, the patient does not experience any particular discomfort, since there is no contact of the measuring device with the surface of the eye, in addition, when measuring the indicator with this method, there is no possibility of eye infection. Normal when measured by this method is considered to be an indicator from 10 to 20 mm Hg. Art.
Another widely used method for measuring eye pressure is Maklakov tonometry using weights. This study, although considered one of the most accurate, is not without its drawbacks: it requires the use of local anesthesia, in addition, direct contact of the weights with the surface of the eye does not exclude the possibility of infection. The normal range for this measurement is 12–25 mm Hg. Art.
There are other, less common methods of measuring IOP.
In addition to measuring the level of eye pressure, ophthalmoscopy is necessary - an examination of the fundus, which allows you to assess the state of the retina, the vessels of the fundus, the optic nerve head. Additional diagnostic methods may be required depending on the examination results.
Increased intraocular pressure: causes
The reasons for the increase in intraocular pressure are:
- arterial hypertension;
- heart failure;
- endocrine system diseases;
- intoxication of the body;
- frequent stressful situations;
- the use of a number of medicines;
- excessive mental and physical stress;
- age-related changes (including menopause in women).
Risk factors for the development of pathology are genetic predisposition, overweight, diseases of the cardiovascular system, farsightedness (hyperopia).
Normalization of eye pressure
Treatment for high intraocular pressure depends on the cause. In the case of a short-term increase in eye pressure, this indicator usually normalizes on its own and does not require special treatment, however, the patient is recommended to undergo medical supervision.
Decreases in IOP are achieved by using eye drops, which increase the outflow of fluid and improve eye trophism. In addition to drug therapy, eye gymnastics is prescribed. In some cases, vitamin therapy, adherence to a diet, limiting physical activity, or, conversely, increasing it, may be indicated.

To lower eye pressure, medications are used in the form of drops.
With insufficient effectiveness of drug therapy, they resort to surgical treatment. As a rule, laser or microsurgical techniques are used.
To correct increased intraocular pressure at home (but only after consulting a doctor), folk remedies can be used.
- Infusion of meadow clover. 1 tablespoon of dry clover is poured into 150 ml of boiling water, cooled and filtered. The infusion is taken daily before bedtime for a month.
- Tincture of golden mustache. 20 crushed knees of the plant are poured with 0.5 liters of alcohol or vodka and left in a dark place for 12 days, shaking daily. After that, filter and take 1 dessert spoon daily on an empty stomach.
- Kefir with the addition of cinnamon. A pinch of cinnamon is added to a glass of kefir, stirred, drunk before bedtime.
In order to prevent an increase in IOP, patients from the risk group should regularly, once every six months, undergo an ophthalmological examination, avoid increased visual stress (reading, watching TV, working on a computer), give up bad habits, avoid stress, include carrots, blueberries in the daily diet, fish, sleep at least 8 hours a day.
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Anna Aksenova Medical journalist About the author
Education: 2004-2007 "First Kiev Medical College" specialty "Laboratory Diagnostics".
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