Black Tea Raises Or Lowers Blood Pressure: Effect On The Body, Reviews

Black Tea Raises Or Lowers Blood Pressure: Effect On The Body, Reviews
Black Tea Raises Or Lowers Blood Pressure: Effect On The Body, Reviews

Black tea increases or lowers blood pressure: reviews of doctors

The content of the article:

  1. Composition of black tea and its effect on the human body
  2. How to brew black tea correctly
  3. How to drink black tea correctly
  4. Video

Black tea increases blood pressure or lowers it, and is it possible to drink it with hypertension - questions of interest to many people, because in terms of prevalence this drink is second only to water. Meanwhile, according to medical statistics, at present, high blood pressure (BP) is observed in 35-40% of people over 30 years old, and this necessitates the introduction of certain restrictions in the usual diet. Is black tea harmful or good for them? We will try to understand this issue.

Properly brewed black tea regulates blood pressure
Properly brewed black tea regulates blood pressure

Properly brewed black tea regulates blood pressure

Composition of black tea and its effect on the human body

Black tea contains over a hundred different chemicals. The most active of them are:

  • caffeine is a plant alkaloid that has a stimulating effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • bioflavonoids - help to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce their permeability and eliminate tissue edema;
  • tannins and tannins - strengthen the myocardium, increase its contractility.

Previously, it was believed that any, both cold and hot black tea, increases blood pressure. This effect was attributed to the stimulating effect of caffeine, which it has on the cardiovascular system, and caffeine is a powerful tonic. It is not for nothing that patients with low blood pressure (hypotension) are prescribed medications for therapeutic purposes, which include this substance. However, the opinion on the stimulating effect of black tea is currently being revised, thanks to data obtained as a result of a decade of scientific research conducted by specialists from the Paris Center for Clinical and Preventive Research.

Over 180 thousand women and men aged 17 to 90 years old took part in the scientific program. The data obtained convincingly showed that the health of people who drank 3-4 cups of black tea a day was much better than people who preferred other drinks (water, juices, carbonated drinks). In particular, there were 2-3 times less hypertensive patients in the tea-drinking group than in the control group.

Another result of the study turned out to be no less interesting. It turned out that in people who drink at least four cups of strong black tea daily, the heart rate decreases and the risk of tachyarrhythmia decreases.

Therefore, at present, doctors' reviews about the effect of black tea on the heart and blood vessels have changed. Based on the data obtained, experts have come to the conclusion that good black tea, due to its unique composition, has a regulating effect on vascular tone. That is, it raises low pressure and lowers high.

So, the question of whether it is possible to drink black tea with increased pressure should be answered positively. Naturally, we are talking about a not too strong and sweet drink.

How to brew black tea correctly

In order for black tea to show its full strength all its unique properties, it is important to brew it correctly.

  1. Thoroughly wash the teapot and rinse with boiling water.
  2. Pour tea leaves into the kettle at the rate of a teaspoon for every 200 ml of water, plus one more teaspoon per kettle.
  3. Pour freshly boiled and slightly cooled water into a kettle with dry tea leaves (temperature should be 90-95 ° С).
  4. Infuse black tea for no more than 4-5 minutes, then immediately pour into cups.

There are also some things to consider when brewing black tea:

  • with hard water, tea leaves should be taken a little more, and with soft water less;
  • cut and small-leaved teas have a more pronounced color, taste and aroma, so they should be taken less than large-leaved ones;
  • if tea is consumed immediately after a meal, the brewing rate should be slightly increased, since in this case the sensitivity of the taste buds of the tongue is dulled.

How to drink black tea correctly

As mentioned above, high-quality and properly brewed black tea lowers or increases blood pressure by exerting a regulating effect on human blood vessels. But you shouldn't abuse it. It should be remembered that the tannins contained in the drink impair the absorption of certain minerals and vitamins (iron, folic acid) from the gastrointestinal tract, therefore excessive consumption of black tea can cause the development of a number of diseases, for example, iron deficiency anemia.

It is better to give up sugar when drinking tea
It is better to give up sugar when drinking tea

It is better to give up sugar when drinking tea

People often prefer to drink black tea with sugar. This habit is also not particularly beneficial for the body. The fact is that an excess of sugar negatively affects the condition of the teeth, creates the prerequisites for the development of obesity, impaired carbohydrate metabolism.


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Elena Minkina
Elena Minkina

Elena Minkina Doctor anesthesiologist-resuscitator About the author

Education: graduated from the Tashkent State Medical Institute, specializing in general medicine in 1991. Repeatedly passed refresher courses.

Work experience: anesthesiologist-resuscitator of the city maternity complex, resuscitator of the hemodialysis department.

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