Often worried about numbness in the fingers of the left hand

A short-term loss of sensation in the limbs is a rather unpleasant phenomenon that is familiar to many. At the same time, in the area of numbness, there is a slight tingling sensation, "creeping creeps," chilliness. This condition rarely causes significant anxiety, because after a short period of time it usually goes away. However, this problem is worth considering if the numbness of the fingers of the left hand is often worried. These sensations may indicate a fairly serious health problem.
Numbness of the fingers of the left hand, causes
Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. If it does arise, it is much easier to cope with the malaise at an early stage, without allowing the pathological process to drag out. In order not to miss the onset of the disease, it is important to be attentive to your health and respond in a timely manner to body signals. For example, with systematic numbness of the fingers of the left hand, there may be several reasons. And some of them are pretty serious:
- Degenerative changes in the upper part of the spine. Instability of the cervical spine, which manifests itself in the displacement of the vertebrae when turning and tilting the head, often causes injury to the nerve fibers. This contributes to the numbness of the fingers;
- Violation of blood flow in the vessels of the brain and upper spine. Numbness in the limbs, and more often in the left hand, may be the first signs of an approaching stroke;
- Diabetes. The appearance of numbness in the fingers, the causes of which are caused by inadequate therapy, indicates the development of vascular complications during diabetes decompensation.
Numbness of the fingers of the left hand, symptoms
Loss or decreased sensitivity of the fingers can be caused by transient compression of the nerve. In the absence of other deviations, it is quite easy to restore sensitivity; for this, the position of the upper limbs should be changed. However, when the fingers of the left hand are numb, the symptoms accompanying this condition can often be a “wake-up call”.
Loss of sensitivity of the upper limbs, which is combined with impaired speech, vision, difficulty walking, is considered a clear sign of a stroke. In this case, a lesion of the left arm indicates an acute circulatory disorder in the right hemisphere of the brain, since each of them controls the opposite side of the body. These symptoms require immediate medical attention. Urgent medical intervention is also necessary when, in addition to numbness of the fingers, chest pain, and shortness of breath, which indicates the development of a heart attack.
Violation of blood circulation in the smallest vessels - capillaries - leads to numbness in the fingertips of the left hand. In addition, other limbs may be damaged. The combination of this symptom with high blood sugar levels is characteristic of a condition such as diabetic polyneuropathy. The result can be very serious complications, up to gangrene of the fingers.
Numbness of the fingers of the left hand, treatment
The process of restoring the sensitivity of the fingers depends on the reasons that caused this condition. In some cases, numbness is associated with short-term compression of nerves and blood vessels due to prolonged static stress, for example, when working at a computer. This problem is easily solvable: it is enough to stretch your hands, improving blood circulation in them. To avoid discomfort in your fingers, you must regularly interrupt work with a simple warm-up.
If the numbness of the tips of the fingers of the left hand is combined with other signs, it is very important to consult a doctor, first of all - a cardiologist, neuropathologist, endocrinologist. Timely correct diagnosis significantly reduces the risk of complications of diseases in which numbness of the fingers is only one of the symptoms.

When the fingers of the left hand are numb, treatment is directed primarily at the causes of the underlying ailment. Since most often these are vascular and neurological disorders, drugs are prescribed that improve blood circulation and the conduction of nerve impulses. In diabetic polyneuropathy, glucose correction is also performed.
Keeping a healthy lifestyle is of the utmost importance when you often feel numbness in your fingers. This means maintaining good physical shape, correcting nutrition, eliminating factors such as alcohol and smoking that provoke diseases.
If your hands often go numb, you need to find out the cause of this phenomenon. Often it is associated with simple muscle fatigue that disappears after a short rest. However, very serious health problems are possible, especially if the fingers of the left hand are numb. This is due to the close proximity of the heart, diseases of which can be accompanied by loss of sensitivity in the limbs. A timely visit to a doctor allows you to identify pathology at an early stage and, thereby, avoid complications.
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