Pharmacy system automation
At first glance, it seems that consumers do not care how pharmacists work. Each enterprise has an owner and a manager - it is assumed that this is their task. The main thing is that the assortment is wide and the prices are low. However, having familiarized yourself with all the stages of pharmacies' work, you will understand why it is worth buying medicines only where the integrated automation system "Info Pharmacy 3.0" is implemented.
Forming an order
The work of a pharmacy chain begins with the purchase of medicines. First, the nomenclature is typed. The minimum set includes about 700 drugs that are classified as particularly important. Twice as many other medicines and 500 health products. Thus, for a small pharmacy chain, about 2500 items are enough. It is necessary to contact manufacturers and importers, request a price list and choose from alternative offers those that offer the lowest price at the moment. The task is complicated by the fact that you need to predict the sales period so that the batch of goods does not expire before everything purchased is sold. The laboriousness of the process provides full employment for two managers who manually type endless spreadsheets and try to link the most important cells in Excel using primitive macros. Given the sheer volume of information, mistakes are inevitable.
If the Info Pharmacy 3.0 system is implemented, the program will automatically calculate the pharmacy's need, taking into account the specifics of the location of the outlet. Each drug is supplemented, depending on the selected indicator, with several analogs with similar pharmacological action. For a small pharmacy chain, five similar medicines are enough. The program ranks medicines by class depending on the statistics of annual consumption, which allows you to correctly distribute the funds allocated for the purchase. When a certain drug runs out, the system automatically generates an order to the supplier who offers the lowest price at the moment. At the time of ordering, the expiration dates, the quantity of goods in the supplier's warehouse, the size of the minimum batch for obtaining a discount are taken into account. For the consumer, the installation of the Info Pharmacy 3.0 program means that the pharmacy will receive the maximum assortment of medicines at the lowest possible price.
In the "old-regime" pharmacy, the trade margin depends on three components:
- offers from competitors within walking distance;
- purchase prices;
- the rate of return set by the owner.
Special “agents”, who are often relatives of employees, conduct marketing research in the district and report the situation to management. The accountant adjusts prices. All this is very troublesome and takes a lot of time. For consumers, such price juggling is fraught with unpleasant situations.
Formation of the retail price in the "Info Pharmacy 3.0" system occurs automatically by pressing one button. Considering that the goods were purchased at minimal prices, a trade margin of 20% can provide a good profit. And customers will be satisfied with the predictability and affordable offerings. In addition, the program automatically maintains the prices for vital drugs determined by a regulatory act of the Government of the Russian Federation.
Medication sales process
Everyone probably had to wait in a piled-up queue while a pharmacist “fights” with a cash register or tries to find a drug that is not in the database. With the program "Info Pharmacy 3.0" this is simply impossible. The simplified search setting allows you to instantly display the desired drug on the screen by typing the first letters, group, analogs or pharmacological action. Each computer connected to the cashier works offline, so even communication failures will not keep customers waiting.
When buying medicines in the pharmacy network, which is controlled by the integrated automation program Info Apteka 3.0, you can be sure that the goods are not counterfeit and do not belong to rejected lots withdrawn from circulation: the system automatically rejects dubious offers at the stage of ordering.

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