Which Is Better: Deodorant Or Antiperspirant?

Which Is Better: Deodorant Or Antiperspirant?
Which Is Better: Deodorant Or Antiperspirant?

Which is better: deodorant or antiperspirant?

Which is better: deodorant or antiperspirant?
Which is better: deodorant or antiperspirant?

Usually, when we say deodorant or antiperspirant, we ignore the difference between these terms. Both deodorant and antiperspirant aim to remove unpleasant odor from underarm sweat, but act in different ways.

The pungent sweat in the armpits begins to be produced by special sweat glands during puberty. The smell depends on the hormonal background of a person, on his observance of the rules of personal hygiene and even on the food consumed, and therefore each person has his own.

"Deodorant" means odor remover, and antiperspirant means antiperspirant. This is their main difference. Deodorant does not interfere with perspiration, it only drowns out the smell of it. For this, two components are used: a perfume fragrance and an antibacterial substance that prevents bacteria from multiplying in the secreted sweat, since they contribute to the strengthening of the smell and, so to speak, its deterioration. Usually, triclosan or farnesol is added to the deodorant for this purpose. Triclosan is a stronger remedy, however, the side effects from it are stronger, farnesol is softer, it does not act so powerful, but at the same time spares the normal microflora of the skin.

The principle of antiperspirant action is different. This product contains zinc and aluminum salts, which partially block the secretion of perspiration. No sweat - no problem with its smell. Since a small amount of sweat continues to be released, fragrances and antiseptics are also added to antiperspirants, which is why we often don't see the difference between deodorant and antiperspirant. At first glance, this is a solution to the problem, but in fact, the cost of the issue may be too high.

Excretion of sweat in the armpits is not a mistake of nature, but a well-regulated mechanism that protects the body from overheating. In addition, a specific smell appears for a reason, among other things, it contains the very ferromones, which are so much talked about - volatile substances that are not determined by consciousness, but are unmistakably readable by the nose, which allow living beings to find suitable sexual partners for themselves. Thus, the benefits of civilization in the form of a deodorant or antiperspirant, making us cleaner, go against nature, preventing normal heat exchange and even the search for a pair.

Doctors believe that the antiperspirant craze leads to an increase in the incidence of breast cancer, because it affects the function of the axillary lymph node pack, whose area of responsibility includes the mammary gland.

Which is better: deodorant or antiperspirant?
Which is better: deodorant or antiperspirant?

What to do, because you don't want people to shy away from you, pinching their nose? The advice of experts is as follows: in special cases, such as a busy day without the opportunity to take a shower and change clothes, a celebration, a long trip - you can use antiperspirants, but deodorants can be used all the rest of the time, and giving preference to those that do not contain potent antiseptics. It is much more beneficial to maintain body hygiene in the hot season by taking a shower two to three times a day.

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