Contact lens care

It seems that contact lenses have practically no disadvantages, and are a solid advantage over glasses. Nevertheless, their main drawback is due precisely to their main advantage - close contact with the tissues of the eye. That is why careful lens care is necessary, and for those who are not ready to ensure its thoroughness, it is better to give up lenses altogether and return to good old glasses, so the eyes will be more whole and safe.
The rules for the care of lenses will be readily communicated to you in any store that sells optics, and therefore it is possible not to know them to the wearer of the lenses only if they are completely ignored. But knowing and observing these are different things, and therefore, usually problems are just not from ignorance, but from the fact that important stages of lens care are omitted - either out of laziness, or out of forgetfulness, and sometimes for reasons of economy.
Rule number one is that lens care begins with clean hands in any contact with them. It would seem an uncomplicated requirement, nevertheless, it is often forgotten. There is such an old expression: “take care of it like the apple of your eye”. That is, the very "apple of the eye" is protected most of all, because the tissues there are delicate, easily damaged, and the consequences of infection can be the most serious, up to the loss of an eye.
Rule two: contact lenses should always be in liquid. When they are worn, they are bathed in tear fluid, when removed, a special lens care fluid. When dry, they quickly lose their properties. Why can't you use water, but you need to buy a special liquid, which, of course, is more expensive? For several reasons. The water is not suitable for its chemical composition, water, even if it is filtered, contains bacteria that grow remarkably on the lenses. Lens care solution is more than just a storage solution, it is an important processing step. It contains antiseptics that destroy pathogens. In addition to antiseptics and salts, which bring it closer in composition to the lacrimal fluid, the solution contains a lubricant - a substance that provides better lens sliding along the cornea, which meansexcluding even minimal trauma.
If you use long-term lenses, you need to do an enzyme cleaning periodically, usually once a week. For this, special protein tablets are produced, from which a cleaning solution is prepared. The rules of enzyme cleaning are described in stages and in detail in the instructions for use of this drug.
Observing the rules for the care of lenses, they can be used throughout life without any unpleasant consequences for the eyes, of course, changing them in a timely manner.
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