Signs Of Hormonal Imbalance

Signs Of Hormonal Imbalance
Signs Of Hormonal Imbalance

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Signs of hormonal imbalance

Signs of hormonal imbalance
Signs of hormonal imbalance

There is nothing unnecessary or unimportant in the body, and therefore it is not entirely correct to say that some system is more important than others, because everything in a person is closely interconnected. Nevertheless, there are two systems, malfunctions in which lead to a disorder of the whole organism as a whole, and they do it quickly - these are the nervous and hormonal systems. This is because nerves and hormones control all processes in the body. In the hormonal system, pathology often begins gradually, not manifesting itself actively in the early stages, but the main thing is that hormonal imbalance affects many organs at once, and therefore pathology has multiple manifestations. This greatly complicates the diagnosis.

There are signs that are more likely than others to indicate that hormonal problems are occurring in the body. Hormonal imbalance can be suspected in the following cases:

  • unexplained weight change. Alert should be both significant weight loss against the background of unchanged, if not increased appetite, and uncontrollable obesity;
  • the appearance of excessive hair growth - hirsutism. In this case, usually the hair not only begins to grow in places unusual for them, but the very structure of the hair on the body changes, they become coarser and darker;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle in women. Fluctuations in the menstrual cycle in any direction are always associated with hormonal imbalance;
  • unexplained mood swings, insomnia, tearfulness, nervous instability;
  • strange changes in appearance in adulthood are a serious reason to be wary of endocrine disorders. Bone growth that does not stop from adolescence or suddenly resumed, coarsening of facial features, enlargement of feet and hands are all signs of a serious hormonal imbalance;
  • changing the timbre of the voice;
  • the appearance of signs of femininity in men. Hair loss on the chest, the growth of mammary glands and unusual sensations in them, the appearance of fatty deposits in the "female" places - on the hips, shoulders;
  • in children, a delay in physical and sometimes mental development. If a child lags significantly behind peers in height, weight, and sometimes in the acquisition of skills and abilities, it is very important to consult an endocrinologist on time, then when it is possible to correct the existing problem without allowing it to develop into a serious illness.
  • It should be remembered that it is only an endocrinologist who can accurately determine the hormonal imbalance, its degree, and even more so, prescribe treatment. Therefore, if you find any of these signs, you should immediately consult a doctor.

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