Is Chewing Gum Good Or Bad

Is Chewing Gum Good Or Bad
Is Chewing Gum Good Or Bad

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Is chewing gum good or bad

Is chewing gum good or bad
Is chewing gum good or bad

We hear about the benefits of gum on TV so often that we are genuinely surprised when someone says that the harm from chewing gum can largely outweigh these benefits. What other harm from chewing gum? - the vast majority will be sincerely surprised - she brushes her teeth! In fact, the cleansing power of gum is greatly exaggerated. Yes, chewing gum can clean the chewing surfaces of the teeth, but it does not penetrate into the notorious hard-to-reach places, such as fissures of the teeth and interdental spaces. Meanwhile, it is these places that are the number one risk zone in relation to the occurrence of caries, since it is in them that pathogens and soft dental plaque accumulate.

Okay, you say. Not too much good, but not harmful, right? Here you can argue. For starters, sugar-containing gum is not much different from regular candy when it comes to the effects on teeth. And candy is known to be the number one enemy of the teeth. But even if the gum does not contain sugar, but contains sweeteners, by the way, even more harmful than sugar, albeit in a different way, then this does not change the state of affairs for the better. Chewing gum contains many chemicals, the same dyes, stabilizers, thickeners, and more. All this is in a harmless dosage, but if a person has a habit of constantly chewing gum, then the consequences can be very sad. Most of these substances have the ability to accumulate in the body. For those who at least once thought about the effect of chemical additives on the body,the harm from chewing gum is already more than obvious.

Now let's talk about what gum is chewed for - about chewing itself. Any muscles that are constantly stimulated increase in size, and chewing muscles are no exception. The beauty of a face with hypertrophied chewing muscles is highly questionable. A person chews, chews and chews - the constant load on the temporomandibular joint depletes him, and like any overloaded joint, this one can also become deformed and inflamed. But chewing gum is even more harmful to the salivary glands. Saliva is secreted constantly, in excessive quantities, and therefore has a poor-quality chemical composition, because it simply does not have time to "mature". Swallowed saliva, flavored with a good dose of chemicals, leads to increased secretion of gastric juice, since the process of salivation is reflexively associated with gastric secretion. But no food comes inand aggressive gastric juice is not neutralized by anything.

One more thing. Saliva, poor in nutrients, is unable to protect the oral mucosa, and it becomes susceptible to various diseases - stomatitis, gingivitis, cheilitis, seizures of bacterial and fungal origin.

Thus, the harm from chewing gum may seem fiction only at first glance. Those who chew gum all the time are especially at risk of feeling it.

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