Vitamins For Children 6 Years Old

Vitamins For Children 6 Years Old
Vitamins For Children 6 Years Old

Vitamins for children 6 years old

Vitamins for children of 6 years old are most often produced in the form of multivitamin complexes, sometimes they include minerals in the form of macro- or microelements.

Vitamins for children 6 years old - varieties and daily allowances
Vitamins for children 6 years old - varieties and daily allowances

Vitamin requirements for children 6 years old

Everyone knows that at the age of 6, vitamins are essential for children for their normal growth and development, because this is the time when a preschooler is about to become a schoolboy, and the load on him will soon increase several times. But the peculiarity of this kind of load is that it falls not only on the nervous system (new stresses, worries about assessments or how relations will develop in a new team). Eyes, spine and immune system will start working with great tension.

At 6 years old, preparations for children include the following vitamins - A, groups B, C, D, E, H, PP, K, trace elements - iodine, iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, etc.

The lack of any of the vitamins will not slow down to affect the appearance of the child's hair and skin, on his academic performance and exercise tolerance, on visual acuity. To prevent undesirable consequences, these organs need to be helped first of all.

Vitamins for the eyes of children

The retina of the eye requires a lot of vitamin A, with a lack of it, vision weakens, primarily in twilight lighting. Vitamin A is found in food in sufficient quantities mainly in animal products (butter, egg yolk, milk, cream), and its precursor carotene is found in carrots and other orange vegetables.

In addition to vitamins for the eyes, children need potassium for normal vision, which are rich in dried fruits, fish, and potatoes.

Vitamin C is necessary to maintain sufficient tone of the eye muscles, with a lack of it, the eyes quickly get tired. There is a lot of vitamin C in lemon, black currant, cabbage, apples, bell peppers.

Vitamin B2 is needed for the normal functioning of the entire eye apparatus, its lack is manifested by burning in the eyes, increased tearing, decreased visual acuity. A lot of this vitamin is found in apples, green lettuce, and sprouted wheat grains.

Vitamin B6 reduces the likelihood of developing blindness and nervous tics. There is enough of it in pork, cabbage, carrots, bran.

What vitamins are best given to children for good vision, first of all, the ophthalmologist should advise. For very toddlers and for children of 6 years old, vitamins are most often prescribed universal, in the form of complexes. For older children, you can pick up special complexes:

  • Vitrum Vision (from 12 years old);
  • Alphabet Opticum (from 14 years old).

It should be noted that the effect of dietary supplements for improving eye health is usually somewhat lower than that of vitamins for children 6 years old.

Vitamins for hair for children

Hair is an appendage of the skin, and the needs of these parts of the body are very similar. Hair, like skin, takes the first blow and stresses of the surrounding external world.

The best vitamins for the eyes of children
The best vitamins for the eyes of children

It is impossible to say for sure which vitamins are best given to children for hair health. All of them to one degree or another participate in the metabolic processes of the body and affect the condition of the hair as well. Any multivitamin complex improves their health. However, some vitamin deficiencies have been observed to have a particular effect on hair health.

The most essential vitamins for hair for children are B5, B6, B12, E, A, F.

They strengthen the hair follicle, nourish the hair root, prevent dandruff and itchy skin, dry skin, early gray hair, excessive hair loss.

It is important to remember that without adequate nutrition, the health and beauty of children's skin and hair is impossible. Special vitamins for hair have not been developed for children; in this area, the entire segment is occupied by vitamins for adults.

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