Gymnastics For Children 7 Years Old

Gymnastics For Children 7 Years Old
Gymnastics For Children 7 Years Old

Gymnastics for children 7 years old

The value of gymnastics for children 7 years old
The value of gymnastics for children 7 years old

Gymnastics is a sport that requires tremendous skill, endurance, hard work and dedication. While instilling such wonderful qualities, gymnastics for children 7 and more is often criticized by doctors who believe that such a tough sport can inhibit the normal physical development of a young body, and, in the end, can do more harm than good for the well-being of the child. Is this sport suitable for 7 years old children or is it a threat to physical development and health?

Gymnastics for children 7 years old: pros and cons

On average, children begin to engage in gymnastics before the age of seven, often at about 4-5 years. Participation in organized sports aimed at learning to work in a team (after all, in childhood, children are engaged in small groups, and only after reaching a certain skill and an older age, they begin to work in pairs or alone) gives gymnasts many advantages. First, regular physical activity helps you avoid the risk of developing serious health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. Secondly, constant sports training, events and competitions from an early age teach children to work with other people in a team, making them more sociable.

However, there is also a certain risk when doing gymnastics for children of 7 years old. According to statistics, more than 260,000 children in the world annually receive various serious injuries during gymnastic training, approximately the same injuries are observed in children playing football, basketball and cheerleading.

Physical injuries are not the only problem for young gymnasts. Another negative side of gymnastics is the excessive emotional stress that falls on the shoulders of the child too early. Constant expectations placed on a child by the coach or parent make him feel bad and frustrated when these demands exceed his mental and physical abilities. Young children are not ready for the responsibilities assigned to them, and not everyone can cope with the defeat and disappointment encountered in sports. Therefore, gymnasts, along with physical trauma, also have psychological trauma.

For some children, achieving athletic heights becomes a way of life, and a normal childhood for them ends, because gymnasts are set far from children's goals, for the achievement of which the child spends all his free time on constant training, which does not leave time for children's play.

Rhythmic gymnastics for children 7 years old

Sports or rhythmic gymnastics for children of 7 years old, of course, are very beautiful sports, but behind the external beauty and ease are years of hard training, constant malnutrition, due to which gastritis and ulcers develop, as well as a complete lack of free time for children's games and pranks. However, it is not necessary to do gymnastics professionally, the elements of this sport can be used in morning gymnastics, and you can also attend children's sections, where elements of this sport are included in the complex of various exercises. Such activities will help the child develop flexibility and can also prevent scoliosis and other physical disabilities.

A positive factor in rhythmic gymnastics classes for children of 7 years old, in spite of all the rigidity and high demands of training, is the all-round development of the child, because from an early age gymnasts learn to work with various objects (rope, balls, ribbons, hoops and clubs), the movements with which it is necessary to synchronously perform with other children to a variety of music. Musical accompaniment develops hearing and a sense of rhythm in gymnasts from an early age, as well as improves coordination of movements, which ultimately prove to be useful skills if the child decides to practice dancing. In addition, gymnastics classes for children of 7 years old form the correct posture and proportionally developed figure, teach the child purposefulness and develop volitional qualities.

Features of gymnastics for children 7 years old
Features of gymnastics for children 7 years old

Articulation gymnastics for children 7 years old

In order for a seven-year-old child to learn to pronounce complex sounds easier, it is important to strengthen his lips and tongue so that they can hold the desired position for a long time and effortlessly make the transition from one movement to another. Articulatory gymnastics teaches all these skills.

It is very important that the child begins to engage in articulatory gymnastics in a timely manner, since the earlier the process of correcting a speech defect begins, the easier and faster it will be.

Articulation gymnastics for children of 7 years old can help not only children with incorrect pronunciation, but also those whose sound pronunciation is sluggish and indistinct. Such classes will be useful for both children and adults, because in the end, both of them have the opportunity to learn to speak clearly, correctly and beautifully. Both a specialized speech therapist and the child's parents at home can deal with the correction of speech defects.

The first lessons of articulatory gymnastics are carried out in front of a mirror in such a way that a child with a speech impediment can directly see how the tongue should move and, through visual perception, learn to bring to automatism the movements that parents make without thinking about where and how the tongue should be and move. Do not be upset if the child and the parent do not succeed in the exercises on the first try, because then the child will see that it is difficult for an adult to cope with such a task and will not be upset.

In the first lessons, the child must master the basic positions of the lips and tongue, for which you can use the interesting and very useful manual "Funny stories about the tongue." Each exercise is performed no more than 2-3 times, after which you can proceed to the lesson with didactic cards for classes with children. Articulatory gymnastics for children of 7 years old should be used in combination with exercises aimed at developing the voice, as well as speech hearing and breathing, which will help develop the correct sound pronunciation.

All movements at the first stage are performed very slowly and only in front of a mirror, it can be removed when the child manages to get comfortable a little. During class, parents should periodically ask the child questions about the location of the tongue during certain movements (is the tongue above or below?) Or what the lips are doing.

Literally after 2-3 sessions, the pace of the exercises can be gradually increased and performed at the expense, since a 7-year-old child will quickly assimilate the information received. It is important that parents monitor the correctness and accuracy of the child's exercises, otherwise they will lose all meaning.

Articulatory gymnastics classes for children of 7 years old last on average 7-10 minutes and should be carried out daily. It is best that they take place in the form of a game, then it will be easier for the child to remember and repeat the movements.

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