Gymnastics for children 8 years old and over
Gymnastics for children 8 years old and more is aimed at promoting the physical and mental development of the child, strengthening health and increasing immunity.

Features of gymnastics for children 8 years old
Gymnastics for children of 8 years old should be carried out regularly with the obligatory warm-up of various muscle groups, stretching and improving flexibility, a set of exercises to increase athleticism and physical strength.
The main gymnastics complex should include the following exercises:
- Walking in one place with raising the legs and gradually increasing the pace for 30 seconds;
- Turning the body to the sides with arms and claps;
- The location of the legs shoulder-width apart, tilting the head for inhalation and exhalation, repetition of 5-7 times;
- Squats in different directions with arms raised;
- Downward bends of the torso with the fingers touching the floor;
- Placing the legs together, alternating leg raises and claps;
- Jumping in place for 20-30 seconds, 20 times.
Correct gymnastics for children 8 years old will develop motor skills, improve posture, develop confidence, strength of character and will. After a few months of regular exercise, the child's physical ability, endurance and determination will increase significantly.
When drawing up an individual gymnastics exercise plan for children 8 years old, you must follow the following rules:
- Mandatory warm-up before each gymnastics;
- Exercise for the shoulder girdle and arms;
- Incorporating exercises for the torso and legs;
- Performing exercises from different starting positions and body positions;
- Conducting breathing exercises.
It is useful to carry out gymnastics with objects for children 8 years old to strengthen various muscle groups, improve dexterity and coordination, and increase interest in sports.
Effective gymnastics for children 8 years old can include aerobic exercises that are aimed at improving the body. Aerobic gymnastics includes exercises with elements of dance, jumping and running to rhythmic music. Weekly exercises with this rhythm improve the work of the cardiovascular system, respiratory and digestive organs.
Rhythmic gymnastics for children 9 and 10 years old
Rhythmic gymnastics for children of 9 years old is a special type of sports and general developmental activities. In the course of rhythmic exercises, the coordination and motor functions of children improve, a sense of rhythm appears and posture normalizes.
The duration of gymnastics at the age of 9 is determined by the trainer in accordance with the physical capabilities and state of health of the children. Regular classes last 10-20 minutes, while for specialized sports groups, classes last 30-40 minutes.
Rhythmic gymnastics for children 9 years old and more in sports facilities is carried out according to specially developed programs. The basis of the programs is K. Orff's methodology, which is a system with methods of developing children's musical and physical abilities.
Effective gymnastics for children 10 years old includes exercises for stretching muscles and flexibility, correct positioning of the legs, steps and movements to music, rhythmic solo and pair exercises.

Regular gymnastics for children of 10 years old forms the child's aesthetic tastes, develops his abstract thinking, develops a sense of rhythm and ear for music.
Dance and athletic gymnastics for children 12 years old
Gymnastics for children 12 years old can be of a dance and athletic orientation with recreational, aesthetic and stage exercises.
Currently, a special step rhythm has been developed for children of secondary school age, which consists of several basic exercises. These include:
- Rhythmic steps in place;
- Sequential changes in the position of the legs;
- Elevated steps;
- Jumping on a hill.
Step rhythm for children can be used as a warm-up before basic gymnastics exercises and as an introductory part before a certain sport.
For children of primary and secondary school age, gymnastics with a musical and dance orientation is useful.
Dance gymnastics for children 12 years old is performed to dynamic music and consists of sequentially repeated movements (bends, repetitions, steps to the sides and in place, jumps). A feature of dance gymnastics for children 8 years old and more is the combination of several movements in time with the music. Gradually, gymnastic exercises become more difficult, and the child improves physical and dance skills. Such exercises stimulate basic body functions, strengthen muscles, increase immunity and endurance, improve blood circulation, reduce weight and improve body proportions.
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