Baby after massage
The child's reaction to massage can be arbitrary. One child after a massage may be in a good mood, while another child may be unhappy and excited.
Baby behavior after massage
From a scientific point of view, the value of massage is not fully explained.

Nevertheless, the objective data of modern medical science suggest that massage has an active stimulating effect on all organs and systems of the body: respiratory, nervous, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal. Any person, including a child, after the massage, normalizes internal biochemical processes.
After the massage performed by the mother, the child demonstrates more effective sucking, the level of stress hormones in his blood decreases, the immune system is activated, and the elimination of decay products through the pores of the skin is enhanced. Numerous analyzes carried out make it possible to assert that the child after the massage stimulates enzymatic activity at the intracellular level.
A comparative assessment proves that the child, after the massage carried out by the course, is ahead of his peers who have not completed such a course in terms of the rate of physiological weight gain. He is less likely to get sick, and also faster and easier to cope with the transferred diseases.
Emotionally, massage is a sure and reliable way to create and strengthen the close bond between parent and baby. This fact is of particular importance in cases with premature babies, as well as children who were born as a result of a cesarean section. Foreign studies prove reliably that massage significantly increases the early attachment between father and child.
Massage for a child with tone
Massage a child with hypertonicity allows you to relieve excess muscle tension. At the same time, it can be carried out both in a medical institution and at home by parents, after specialists have trained them in its techniques.
The term "tone" means the minimum tension of skeletal muscles, which is maintained by the body in a state of absolute rest. That is, even in the most relaxed state, a certain tension of the skeletal muscles allows you to maintain a pose, carry out any movements and maintain health. Depending on what action is to be taken, certain muscle groups are more toned, while others remain relaxed.
In childhood, there is an inverse relationship between muscle tone and age proper: the younger the child, the greater the tone of the skeletal muscles. This is due to the fact that during the period of intrauterine development in a limited space, it existed, grew and developed precisely due to physiological hypertonicity. In this state, the baby is born, and the level of tone is higher in the extensors and adductors of the thigh. In this case, the baby's head, as a rule, is tilted back a little and needs support.
In addition to questioning and visual assessment of the child's tone, already in the first days of his life, the specialist is obliged to establish the neurological status using a number of physiological reflexes. In general, in recent years, various deviations in the muscle tone of newborns have shown a tendency to increase. If this fact is not established in time and adequate measures are not taken, the child will eventually begin to lag behind in physical and even mental development, while a child with hypertonicity after massage does not differ from other children in his age group.
A number of skills and age tests that allow parents to suspect such conditions in a baby are available from numerous sources of information. If there is a suspicion of muscle hypertonicity, you should immediately discuss this issue with a pediatrician. Hypertonia can develop as a result of objective factors - cerebral hemorrhage, abnormal delivery, meningitis; in addition, it is often observed in overly excitable children. A child with hypertonicity is tense even in sleep, restless, lagging behind in development, while massage of a child with tone allows you to completely get rid of the problem.
In the absence of treatment, hypertonicity causes disturbances in posture and gait, scoliosis, clubfoot and torticollis. The child's psychomotor level deviates from the norm, and in the most severe cases, the development of cerebral palsy may be the consequence. Treatment of a child with muscle hypertonicity is carried out in a comprehensive manner, while massage is an important component of it.
In general, massage of a child with hypertonicity is reduced to stroking movements of the back, abdomen and limbs, which are replaced by light rubbing. Also, swinging on a gymnastic ball or hands give a good relaxing effect.
Massage for a child with dysplasia
Massage a child with dysplasia - a violation of the formation of the articular joint - should be started as soon as possible after the diagnosis. The formation of the baby's musculoskeletal system is still ongoing, therefore, an adequate comprehensive approach to treatment is able to completely eliminate this disorder.
Massage for a child with dysplasia is done by a specialist. At the same time, parents are able to learn certain techniques in order to provide the baby with intensive and adequate assistance.
After stroking and light rubbing for a few minutes, they switch to the main complex of movements. The child after the general massage is now ready for treatment.
The baby is laid on his stomach and for about a minute, the muscles of the lower back are kneaded with light movements. Then the buttocks are kneaded, after which they are slightly pinched, without causing discomfort to the child. This is followed by light patting of the buttocks with the pads of the fingers. The massage of the child with dysplasia is completed by circular rubbing of the baby's thighs with fingers.
In a similar way, the front sections of the child's body are massaged, turning him over on his back. At the end of the session, the child's legs are confidently but carefully spread apart. This massage is done daily for two weeks, after which a break of about a month is required.
Massage for children with cerebral palsy
There are many effective massage techniques for children with cerebral palsy. Their goal is to muffle pathological reflexes and develop the skills necessary for the further development of the child.

Massage for children with cerebral palsy is designed to affect hyperkinesis and atonic muscle groups, contractures and develop their mobility. Such complexes are effective for the complex treatment of such forms of cerebral palsy as:
- Atoniastatic;
- Hemiparetic;
- Hyperkinetic;
- Spasmodic.
Massage of children with cerebral palsy can reduce pathological tone, reduce hyperkinesis, improve stiffness, and develop articular contractures. In the case of a timely start of the course, the stages of motor development of a child with cerebral palsy correspond to the norms of his healthy peers. In addition, he has normalized intracranial pressure and dynamics of cerebrospinal fluid, as well as psychomotor functions. Thus, massage of children with cerebral palsy in the early recovery period is an important factor in the rehabilitation of a sick child.
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