Massage for a child at 3 years old
A professional massage for a child at 3 years old can be prescribed by the attending physician. In this case, the procedures must be carried out by a qualified specialist. Usually, an appointment with masseurs is in the clinic and in paid health centers. At the same time, some specialists give massage to children at home. In addition, parents can also massage a child at home. Such sessions will be somewhat less effective. But this option also has its advantages.

First, the price of the issue. Massage services can be too expensive for your budget. Doing your own massage will save you that money. Secondly, many children mistrust strangers. Accordingly, a massage for children at home, performed by a mother, can take place in a more comfortable atmosphere. And this already affects the benefits of the procedure.
Massage technique for a child at 3 years old
It is preferable for a child to perform massage at home in the evening, before bedtime. The procedure helps to fall asleep. All massage techniques can be used at this age. Stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration should successively replace each other, affecting both the skin and muscle tissue. A general massage session for your child at 3 years old can last 30-60 minutes. A massage on one area of the body lasts about 20 minutes. At the beginning of the procedure, stroking techniques are used along the lymphatic vessels. Massage the handles from the hands to the armpits, the legs - from the feet to the groin. Stroking is performed either with the entire palm or only with the fingertips. The movements of the masseur should be very smooth and light. After stroking, you should go to the method of rubbing. Movements become energeticthe impact extends to the deep layers of the muscles. Rubbing helps to improve blood circulation, lymph drainage. You can grind fabrics in different directions. Massaging a child at 3 years old involves the use of kneading techniques. This exposure can be painful for your little one. Be especially careful. During kneading, the masseur grasps the tissues with the entire brush, performs squeezing and shifting techniques. Do not knead for too long. A few minutes will be enough for one zone. Then you can perform vibration massage techniques for 5-10 minutes. The session ends with a repetition of stroking. This exposure can be painful for your little one. Be especially careful. During kneading, the masseur grasps the tissues with the entire brush, performs squeezing and shifting techniques. Do not knead for too long. A few minutes will be enough for one zone. Then you can perform vibration massage techniques for 5-10 minutes. The session ends with a repetition of stroking. This exposure can be painful for your little one. Be especially careful. During kneading, the masseur grasps the tissues with the entire brush, performs squeezing and shifting techniques. Do not knead for too long. A few minutes will be enough for one zone. Then you can perform vibration massage techniques for 5-10 minutes. The session ends with a repetition of stroking.

So that the baby can relax during the massage, talk to him affectionately, smile, look straight into the eyes. Massage for children aged 3 years and older from professionals should take a course of 10-15 procedures every other day. You can combine massage for general recovery with hardening procedures and gymnastics.
When and when not to massage
The reason for prescribing a massage to a child at 3 years old can be posture disorders, scoliosis, flat feet. In addition, preventive massage courses can be prescribed to strengthen muscles, improve overall health of the body, and improve coordination of movements. There is evidence from medical research on the benefits of a preventive session not only for physical health, but also for mental activity and psychological balance of the baby. The massage will have to be abandoned if the child has a high fever, an acute infectious disease, skin problems, allergic reactions, and gastrointestinal disorders. It is better not to do massage for children at home and in the clinic if the baby is unusually capricious, whining, and is in a bad mood. Such manifestations of a negative attitude will make the procedure useless and even harmful to the child.
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